61 wasd

by Kr0nic

62 Run toggle

by Mister Rob

63 Moderation

by iMouse

66 Buildable plots

by pennywise

68 Mages need update

by Joshi_Takashi

70 Hween Mask

by iMouse

71 One player left

by Kr0nic

73 Appearance of items

by Guizinh0

74 ignore items filter

by cockroachh

75 UI suggestions

by pennywise

79 Fonts and ground tiles

by pennywise

80 Hacking - ?

by Angeldust

81 mouse over tooltip delay

by pennywise

82 Suggestions: Pets

by Angeldust

83 Skills windows

by pennywise

84 Couple Suggestions

by Angeldust

86 suggestions.


87 New Client - UI

by Zur

88 Suggestion: wipe the current server

by Kr0nic ( Pages 1 2 )

90 the ladder

by Judy