Re: Rules and Regulations of the Trash Heap... Open Discussion!
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It's you!
It's you!
Stop it your bring back bad memories of a Nation Lottery advert that was broadcasted in the UK.
What was the ad about?
A big golden hand would float along to some random person and point and a voice would come out of nowhere and 'Its you!.'
Then the random person would jump around with joy cos they had won the national lottery
Nothing crude about it, it was just a shit advert and everyone used to quote from it.
Oh. I thought you meant there was actually shit in the advertisement so I was like 'wtf are they allowed to do that'. So uh yea. :?
ive come to the conclusion yes i know that between black and white there is no room for the scale it might be wide but theres no ned to be blind that between black and white there is no room for two
That typical better not be aimed at me boy. :x
Whats the reasoning behind your posts on a topic that is about my rules!!
Conversation? :mrgreen:
Conversation on a rules thread?
It makes for the BEST conversation
this thread is perfect for the trash heap, its total trash!
this thread is perfect for the trash heap, its total trash!
So are you, Muff... j/k.
i know own ure testicles
i now own ure testicles
lets all post trash
sdfksdfudjg dfueydhfnjdm fwydsthfsnjdmfbd fdfjdf djgirypfd dhfwefivdkf jfopfujikfjd feigflf;kgja dhfujdfn hfudafhd fiekfjdfuidhfud fhdjfhdlfkhdjf dfdfdfdf fgty6tuopouwuyruw
abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz now i know my abc's next time won't u sing with me!!
i now own ure testicles
Good, now you have a pair. I noticed how you were eyeing up mine.
Fireborn, just lock this, it's a pointless spamfest.
Trash heep = The spam forum...
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