Topic: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

11. They're probably still good for another 2 points in the polls.

10. He can't pronounce "condemn" and prefers to remain silent on the subject.

9. He likes his own dishonest attack ads.

8. He can't locate Vietnam on a map, and we might goto war with them if his approval goes below 50 again.

7. It would interrupt his third mid-afternoon nap.

6. He wants to keep media attention away from Vietnam as well, to divert media attention from the fact he was a cheerleading at the time.

5. Dick Cheney couldn't be contacted from his undisclosed location to script the teleprompter for the press release.

4. He wants to appear "above the fray" by only attacking Kerry and not fellow Republicans in an election year.

3. It would probably make all of his buddies in Texas a little mad they spent all that money only to get the ad condemned by him.

2. He fell off another Segway, whilst choking on a pretzel and didn't want the media to see the wounds

1. Karl Rove had already scheduled a practice session for learning how to lip sync the pre-recorded speech so he doesn't appear as illiterate at the Republican National Convention.


Re: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

You forgot the most important reason, Cat...
Because Kerry won't condemn the various ads by groups like "Move On" who are funded by Democrats, and have spent more than a year questioning Bush's military record and comparing him to Saddam, Osama, and Hitler.

Gotta love the hypocrisy in that. big_smile

Oh, and have any of you actually read the book "Unfit for Command" or seen any of the interviews with the Swiftboat for Truth members?  They are, by no stretch of the imagination, pro-Bush.  They are, however, anti-Kerry.  Most of them have stated, on the record, that they do not particularly like Bush, but rather HATE Kerry for his actions during and after the war.  They've also said, on national news, that they wouldn't stop the ads, even if Bush came to them in person and asked them to do so.  What do you liberals think about that?


Re: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

Well I think they got legal advice from Dubya's campaign, shared campaign donors from Texas and had connections with Karl Rove.

Most of the MoveOn.Org ads I've seen weren't really attacks on Bush.  One said that nazism was foreign policy in 2004, and there is actually some interesting comparisons to be had between the imperialism Hitler practiced and the pre-emption of the Dubya.  Insinuating the moral comparison is what really got me.  That ad never should have been allowed to have aired, clearly.

I don't think anyone ever compared bin Laden or Hussein to W, save some angry liberal protestors.

I think the flat out attacks on W's military record were wrong.

Bush has no military record other than skipping out of 'Nam by joining the Texas Air National Guard.  I guess he was keeping northern Texas safe from the Congs.  The gap in attendance is probably legitimately explained, but I still think Kerry's record stands above his.

Seriously, until they could prove he went AWOL, they shouldn't have said it.  Until the swift boat veterans can prove Kerry actually lied/exaggerated to get his medals, they shouldn't talk either.

The whole thing with Vietnam is getting old anyways.  It ended 30 some years ago.  Questioning Kerry's military record is fine, since he made it a huge part of his campaign.  The way they did it though reeks of a relentless and underhanded smear campaign.


Re: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

I think serving in the military, in any capacity, is a noble thing and should not be used against someone for political gain.

However, I don't see anything wrong with the swiftboat people telling their side of the story.  Now by that, I mean that the people who wrote the book "Unfit for command" should have full rights to do so.  However, I don't like the commercials using republican money to Bash Kerry's record.  It's just a ploy to sell more books, at least as far as the Swiftboat people are concerned.

On the other side of this, Democratic money shouldn't be used by groups like MoveOn to bash Bush.

Also, Bush really can't come out and directly tell the swiftboat people to stop.  If he did, and (dispite repeatedly saying that it would have no effect on their decision to run the ads) they actually pulled the ads, Kerry would jump all over Bush, saying things like "I told you he was behind it!"  Damned if you do, slightly less damned if you don't.


Re: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

I think the increasing focus on it might actually benefit Kerry, since most people probably don't think he lied in Vietnam.


Re: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

According to the new Gallop poles, the ads have hurt Kerry with veterans.  What he needs to do (and I can't believe I'm saying this) is take the advice given to him by O'Reily, answer all the questions at once, and move on to the real issues.

...O'Riely giving Kerry good advice... *shudder*  What is the world coming to? big_smile


Re: Top 11 reasons why Dubya won't condemn the Swift Boat ads

Moving onto the real issues is something all the candidates need to do. I think we can all agree on that one.