Topic: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

11. John Ashcroft still knows what you did last summer.

10. He was only following orders.

9. He knows where all of the bodies are buried and what parts have been removed to keep Dick Cheney's heart beating

8. The administration's investigation of Abu Ghraib only found fault with the "Office of The Secretary of Defense," so it's really the building's fault.

7. Rumsfeld is one of the few people in the entire administration with actual military service (albeit non-combat) and he is needed for credibility.

6. As Dubya says: You can't blame the guy at the top for the bad behavior of his immediate subordinates.

5. He's the best hitter on the softball team.

4. He only approved the use of torture that he would want applied to himself.

3. Need to keep him around to take the rap for some really bad stuff yet to be revealed.

2. Hasn't the he suffered enough already with the whole Iraq thing?

1. If anyone in the administration loses his/her job, then the terrorists win.

Taken in abstraction from a Yahoo! message board post.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

HA!  That was good...  Well, one part of it wasn't:
5. He's the best hitter on the softball team.
C'mon!  Everyone knows that Powell is the power-hitter. tongue

But on a serious note, I don't think he should be fired.  He's done nothing but defend the honor of the military throughout the prison scandal.  In my opinion, that's goes a long way towards having a good and strong character, which is a definite plus in my book.

Personally, I don't think the whole prison abuse thing is that big of a deal.  The people in the prison weren't random people hearded off the street.  They were enemies who decided, under their own free will, to pick up guns and fight the American Army.  Humiliation, the use of dogs, and sleep deprevation is a small thing compared to the potential information we could get from them.

However, I think a better way of getting the information would have been to ship a boat-load of our criminals over there and put them in prison with the enemy.  Having to share a cell with Big Black Bubba, who would love to make any of them his bitch, would make anyone talk. big_smile


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

Personally, I don't think the whole prison abuse thing is that big of a deal.  The people in the prison weren't random people hearded off the street.  They were enemies who decided, under their own free will, to pick up guns and fight the American Army.  Humiliation, the use of dogs, and sleep deprevation is a small thing compared to the potential information we could get from them.

But many of the people in the prisons were guilty of nothing . . .

You are sure we only tortured guilty POWs?

And if so, it still isn't right. Could it have been worse? Obviously, but when has that not been said to justify the bad actions of someone on your side?


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

Calm down Gray, it's not like Muslims are people or something.  Why one of these days those towel-toters will evolve into something useful, evil-olution of course not being something I believe in personally.  Because of the courageously stubborn and indirectly misguided foreign policies of this administration, 50 million people of the country of Arab-istan and I-rock, which I do, are now free to live under puppet governments, military occupation and perpetual chaos and fear.

On that subject, we need to be afraid of the terrorists.  So be afraid and vote for Bush.  If not, the terrorists win.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

But many of the people in the prisons were guilty of nothing . . .

Only if you believe the BBC, the New York times, and the CNN.  (that's right, THE CNN!) Show me the proof that the innocent people were imprisioned there.  That's right, no one can seem to find any.  Interesting.

And, yes, if someone needs to be humilitated and dressed in women's clothing in order to get information that will save lives, then so be it.

Calm down Gray, it's not like Muslims are people or something. Why one of these days those towel-toters will evolve into something useful, evil-olution of course not being something I believe in personally. Because of the courageously stubborn and indirectly misguided foreign policies of this administration, 50 million people of the country of Arab-istan and I-rock, which I do, are now free to live under puppet governments, military occupation and perpetual chaos and fear.

On that subject, we need to be afraid of the terrorists. So be afraid and vote for Bush. If not, the terrorists win.

OOOOOOO, you evil, patriotic, America-lovers!  How dare you think that anything America does can possibly be good?  Don't you know the truth that us blessed liberals have spent so long making up?  After all, people in hollywood are on our side, and they would never align themselves with a political side soley for personal benefit.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go protest the people who aren't protesting the war.  How dare they not do what we think is right, then call us hypocrits for getting angry and using the same argument against them!

(I like this game! big_smile )


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

[Bush reply]

Thats the problem with those infernal Hollywood hippies.  You just won't follow blindly along with the rest of the definitely not mindwashed masses and accept my wars.

Let us not forget in haste that:

-the country is safer, because I said so. Despite what the dirty liberals would say about the "we didn't find any weapons" garbage and otherwise make it into formidable weapons of massive impairment to Karl's election strategery. 

-Saddama bin Laden will never attack New York with his hijacked airplanes of mass destruction again.  The dictator is now an ill-fed and abused prisoner, and the top member of the buttpyramid squad.

-People are free now in the desert hellhole of Iraq to live under the American copyrighted version of freedom, and if they don't we'll just kill them.

Let's not forget either that Saddam started this war by not complying with UN resolutions, majorly because I had the inspectors pulled out early since Dick was sick of waiting.  I decided to unilaterally enforce the UN resolutions by breaking international law and enforcing laws of the very institution we fondly refer to as old Europe.  The Euro-pussies wouldn't enforce their rules, so I led a coalition of 30 third-world bribed, coerced or otherwise intimidated and definitely willing nations (that contributed a grand total of $1.17 US and 200 troops) into Iraqistan.

Let us never forget the brave Halliburton petro-chemical CEOs that put their lives so valiantly on the line to storm Beg-daddy by force and take back into our custody what was always ours.  Their sand was on our oil, it was that simple.  They were motivated to spread American copyrighted freedom to the people of Iraq with carpet bombing,  random home-to-home searches and of course our trademark non-brutal and totally morally acceptable interrogation techniques.

As a final note to Osama bin Laden: Keep quiet in Karl's basement until October 30th.  And to the Euro-pansies... well next time you want to dissent from one of my wars just remember who got the no bid oil contact last time. 

That could have been one of you French toads or reborn Nazi-commies.     

That's all, I'll be going back to my fourth mid-morning nap.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

[Kerry Reply]
Bush is bad!  How dare he think that he could take out a dictatorship and do some good in this world.  I didn't forge reports and lie about things I never saw while I wasn't in Cambodia just so a president could use military force to make a difference, even though I voted for it.

Fighting terrorism and making America safer is just another dirty Republican trick.  How dare they do the right thing!

How dare they have hope for the economy.  Just because the unemployment rate is lower than it has been in years doesn't mean that the economy is on the rebound.  And let's not forget (not that I'd ever let you forget) that Bush allows companies to outsource jobs.  He even let my wife's company outsource 20% of their jobs.  I mean, seriously, how could letting companies make their own choices possibly support Capitalism?  Communist bastards.

And what about healthcare?  Bush hasn't done anything about the rising costs of healthcare.  After all, I voted against the Federal Prescription drug care plan.  How could I possibly vote for something that would save Americans 20-60% of their prescription drug costs?  It's absolutely rediculous, which is why I voted for it the second time it came around for resolution.  Or at least I would have if I was there.

And what about the poor middleclass?  Bush hasn't done anything for them.  I voted to tax everything except the air they breathe.  I'm looking out for you!  After all, my billionaire wife is one of you!

And yet they call me a Flip-flopper!

But this is all beside the point.  The Republican attack machine is attacking my fake war record.  How dare they!  I've been attacking Bush's record for a year now.  Can't they come up with anything original?

And why hasn't the media latched onto my false claims about Bush's record?  Damn that Fox News!  They've ruined my attack plans.  Why can't we go back to the good 'ole days when CNN ruled the media and liberals could say anything we wanted to without getting called on it?

We must look to the future, not the past!

Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have to go and prolong the debate over my war record so that no one will ask me about my Senate record or find out that I have absolutely no plans for the future.  After all, if I don't get elected, who will covertly strip away the rights of the American people?  That's right, no one!

Remember, a vote for me is a vote for Democra-fascism!

(I REALLY LOVE THIS GAME!! big_smile )


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

[Bush reply]
-Saddama bin Laden will never attack New York with his hijacked airplanes of mass destruction again.  The dictator is now an ill-fed and abused prisoner, and the top member of the buttpyramid squad.

Alright, I have to give you credit for that one.  That's the absolute funniest thing I've ever read on this board.

Buttpyramid squad.... lol


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

Ever heard of the Geneva Convention?

Not that the US has cared much for internaional regulations and rules all that much lately. They are after all not really a member of the international community anymore. Not since early 2001 anyway.

sigh, I'm not gonna discuss this though. Just imagine a milder mold/catbert with a European perspective.


"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

The Geneva Convention does not protect terrorists... It only protects soldiers who serve under a nation who wear uniforms and carrry there weapons openly....

You should know that...

Even if Terrorists were covered under this, they clearly violate the Geneva Convention and therefore they should not have the double standard to be protected by the exact same thing they violate...

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

True I suppose, technically they aren't covered by it. Perhaps it should be revised. The US does give away the moral high ground on the matter in this way though.

The terrorists are justified in treating US soldiers as they do, they are justified by what the US does. Ofcourse this works the other way around too, but I still dont think the US likes to think of itself as equal to the terrorists in this respect...

Unless you wanna get into a nasty 'chicken and the egg' discussion... personally I'll pass.

(Edited in)
Hrmm, I just swallowed what FB said without thinking about it, silly me... since when are people defending their country from an invader (however you look at it that was the case) terrorists? Unless the prison population purely consisted of people who were captured while attacking the US forces which had already taken control of Iraq... and even then I'd call it guerilla warfare, not terrorism but mebbe that's just me. Still, I would imagine the US made sure they have some technicality to ensure that what they were not technically POWs, ah well.(End, edited in)

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

No matter what they do however... We should still try not to stoop to there levels...

No Americans Beheading Iraqi prisoners yet to my knowledge =p

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

Bah you all write too much, just picking out one part I found funny...

"Only if you believe the BBC, the New York times, and the CNN. (that's right, THE CNN!) Show me the proof that the innocent people were imprisioned there. That's right, no one can seem to find any. Interesting."

And you have distinct proof that every man in that prison was guilty?

And it's just stupid to say "They were enemies who decided, under their own free will, to pick up guns and fight the American Army. Humiliation, the use of dogs, and sleep deprevation is a small thing compared to the potential information we could get from them. "

Yes... they are IRAQIS not americans. Iraq had an army. They were attacked unprovoked and tryed to defend themselves and their home. Even Bush supporters can't claim this wasn't a pre-emptive war.  I am sorry but only an idiot would assume the majority of Iraqi soldiers had any useful information or were really terrorists. Most are just men had a career in the army to support their family and got pulled into this just like the majority of american soldiers. I personally know about a dozen people who went to war and more than half didn't even think we were going for a good reason.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

It's called fighting against overwhelming odds. The americans dont behead anyone, they kill dozens in one foul swoop. We have our super lazer guided missles and whatnot. I assure you if the "terrorists" had these sort of advanced weapons they would use them. These are people who's whole world is being turned upside down. The world as they know it has suddenly, dramatically changed. They are being occupied by a foreign country they have always been taught is the enemy and have had a government hand-selected by that occupying country to rule over them. The fighting hasn't stopped, there is a constant state of terror, confusion, and chaos and these people want it to stop. They watch television at night and see another hundred iraqi's killed (both civilians and "terrorists") and will logically see it as the Americans fault. Before the Americans arrived this wasn't happening so of course they caused it. Now, of course Saddam did some horrible things. But the majority of Iraqis were not abused by him. Through state-controlled media he was painted as a hero and it is hard for many to believe him to be so evil. Yet, they have heard repeatedly of the devilish Americans who are now controlling their country.

Yes, eventually there will be a vote. For some reason we seem to think that all Iraqis would rather have a democracy than any other system, in fact we're so sure we're arbitrarily imposing one on them.

Bleh, time for a party. Dont have time to keep going on this, I'm sure this topic will be 5 pages long by the time I get back so dont be looking for a reply from me. hate reading all your shit


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

And it's just stupid to say "They were enemies who decided, under their own free will, to pick up guns and fight the American Army. Humiliation, the use of dogs, and sleep deprevation is a small thing compared to the potential information we could get from them.

Oh, so I guess someone forced them to fire at American Soldiers.  After all, if it's stupid to think that they did so under their own freewill, then the only other option is that they were forced to by someone else.  I can't wait to find out who put a gun in each of their hands, and then proceeded to put another to their backs.  He must be a very talented man. big_smile

Oh, and we weren't capturing Iraqi soldiers and putting them in the prison.  We were capturing members/leaders of various militant groups, who only appeared after people in Iraq began signing up to vote, most likely to try and sieze power for themselves.  The Iraqi soldiers are the ones fighting along side the US soldiers to bring down Al Sadr.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

Wow... quiet here. Ok i'll respond.

"The Iraqi Soldiers" Well this is assuming that the government sanctioned forces are more legitimately Iraqi than the other groups. Of course we installed their leaders and they are currently under a US puppet government so it's not really logical to assume they are any more of an Iraqi Soldier than Al-Sadr's militia.

I never said that firing at American soldiers wasn't a choice. I merely stated the obvious that in their minds this was the logical thing to do. A country that has always been viewed as an enemy has invaded you. You've been told about their evil and now they are coming and putting your family in danger. Of course you are going to fight them. The average Iraqi doesn't  have access to a great deal of international media (or at least didn't under Saddam.)

Treating every Iraqi soldier or "terrorist group" member as if he were the mastermind behind Saddam's regime or behind a terrorist organisation is ludicrous. Most are just average men who are in their position now because of what the US has done. You said yourself these militant groups only appeared after the US invaded.  And no one was fighting to "bring down Al Sadr." They simply wanted his group to disarm and they did. If we were really "after" Al Sadr, then the Iraqi government would not have agreed not to charge him with murder. Al Sadr has been labeled as a "radical" cleric so often and yet he has always been against taking hostages and beheading and some of the other acts that many groups you seem to lump into the general terrorist militant group have done.

To me it seems that Americans are too quick to label groups as a terrorist organization. Just because a group is Anti-US and anti-US puppet Iraqi government DOES NOT MAKE THEM TERRORISTS.  Terrorists.... want to terrorize people. Al  Sadr's group seemed only interested in expelling those occupying his people's land.

I hope this is all clear, it's quite late and I've had a bit to drink but I think that it should make enough sense.


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

Anyhow, like I said I have no taste in getting involved in a discussion about this with you. Not only is it exceptionally frustrating and tiring when you disagree quite so strongly/directly, it is also extremely unlikely to change anything. ^_^

One of Dale Carnegie's Golden Rules:

The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: Top 11 reasons not to fire Rummy

what a hideous example of beastiatly this thread shows, u all deserve to be locked in my room and given a good thorough ass reaming, while i play spice girls in the back ground

