[Kerry Reply]
Bush is bad! How dare he think that he could take out a dictatorship and do some good in this world. I didn't forge reports and lie about things I never saw while I wasn't in Cambodia just so a president could use military force to make a difference, even though I voted for it.
Fighting terrorism and making America safer is just another dirty Republican trick. How dare they do the right thing!
How dare they have hope for the economy. Just because the unemployment rate is lower than it has been in years doesn't mean that the economy is on the rebound. And let's not forget (not that I'd ever let you forget) that Bush allows companies to outsource jobs. He even let my wife's company outsource 20% of their jobs. I mean, seriously, how could letting companies make their own choices possibly support Capitalism? Communist bastards.
And what about healthcare? Bush hasn't done anything about the rising costs of healthcare. After all, I voted against the Federal Prescription drug care plan. How could I possibly vote for something that would save Americans 20-60% of their prescription drug costs? It's absolutely rediculous, which is why I voted for it the second time it came around for resolution. Or at least I would have if I was there.
And what about the poor middleclass? Bush hasn't done anything for them. I voted to tax everything except the air they breathe. I'm looking out for you! After all, my billionaire wife is one of you!
And yet they call me a Flip-flopper!
But this is all beside the point. The Republican attack machine is attacking my fake war record. How dare they! I've been attacking Bush's record for a year now. Can't they come up with anything original?
And why hasn't the media latched onto my false claims about Bush's record? Damn that Fox News! They've ruined my attack plans. Why can't we go back to the good 'ole days when CNN ruled the media and liberals could say anything we wanted to without getting called on it?
We must look to the future, not the past!
Now, if you'll all excuse me, I have to go and prolong the debate over my war record so that no one will ask me about my Senate record or find out that I have absolutely no plans for the future. After all, if I don't get elected, who will covertly strip away the rights of the American people? That's right, no one!
Remember, a vote for me is a vote for Democra-fascism!