And I am 100% against kerry. He has no plan for the future, whatsoever.
That's very incorrect statement. I am well aware that you are die-hard liberal-hater, but the man has a plan for the future. I don't care if you don't agree with it, and I don't care if you condemn it, but it's there. What parts neccesary in "future planning" has he not touched on?
He's voted to raise taxes on the middleclass/various things that the middle class are the primary consumers of.
He has also made a campaign promise not to raise the taxes on the middle class, and raise them on the wealthiest Americans. Poor, poor wealthy Americans . . .
Well, at least this isn't a biased statement.
He makes stuff up, huh? SO he's a liar? So that most surely knocks him out as the possible next American president in your eyes? I'm laughing . . .
Because lairs are bad, this is true. And all politicians (most- the vast majority) lie, this is also true. Agreed so far?
So . . . it really comes down, unfortunately, to the degree of lies.
Now, has Kerry taken us into a war baised on lies, or things that are simply not true? Nope.
Has he promised to leave no child behind and done the opposite? Nope.
Has he promised to unite America and do the opposite? Nope.
I could go on . . .
NOW, granted he hasn't really had the chance . . . and hey, maybe he'll do all of these things if he is elected president.
That brings us to this whole Devil vs. Devil shit. Or, more realistically Devil vs. ???. When you know one is a Devil, you give the other guy a chance, because frankly what do you have to lose? That's why we have elections . . . If you elect someone and he screws up what he promises, loses jobs, fucks our economy, lies, and brings us into problems in record numbers, you pick the other guy. Thats logic, as I see it. If you don't do that, you might as well have eight year, one-terms.
But I REALLY disgress.
He so wrapped up in NOT talking about the issues
Another completely biased statement. Both canidates need to talk about the issues, niether are doing much of that. So instead of pointing the finger at Kerry and the Democrats, be a fair person, and point the finger at both- as I am.
John Kerry, stop talking about Bush's military record, and talk about the issues.
George W. Bush, stop talking about Kerry's military record, and talk about the issues.
Easy as that.
he refuses to acknowledge that Bush has condemned things like the swiftboat ads
ACTUALLY, Bush condemned private orginazation's ads. He won't directly condemned the swiftboat ads, as Kerry did with
Oh, and the flipflopping thing.
Which much of is bullshit, as pointed out by people here like Catbert and myself. Maybe you didn't read that?
Also, Bush has done his fair share of flip-flopping. too. Yeah, It's true.
And calling Bush our biggest mistake is the most unrealistic statement I've ever heard, even from a liberal. After all, what about the 8 years of Clinton?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Clinton, Clinton, Clinton.
Maybe you hated the man. Maybe you didn't agree with his policies. And maybe a blow job is the biggest crime in the world, to you.
The facts are, it worked. We had more money, we had more jobs, the middle-class was larger, and we weren't considered international terrorists. Life was better, America was better.
Bush is, and I imagine for a very long time, will be considered our biggest mistake. I am sure history will prove this.