Topic: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold


Fri, Aug 27, 2004 at 07:35:03 EDT

Seattle, Washington (INDY) -- Supporters and critics of Grayson The Moldy were shocked to learn yesterday that the 16 year-old Seattle local had completely and utterly lied about past experience in the military.

The Moldy has repeatedly made statements in speeches and interviews claiming he saved the lives of all the members of his transport stationed in the Pacific Theater during World War II. Despite shrapnel damage to his left leg, hearing loss suffered when a grenade detonated in his helmet and a severe shark bite to the upper torso, The Moldy claimed he managed to save all 28 men in his platoon, plus the life of a Japanese fisherman who had accidentally come across the scene. The Moldy has often walked with a limp, citing the incident as the reason.

Yesterday journalist Fireborn reported he had researched The Moldy's alleged past, and was shocked to find that not only had The Moldy lied about his involvement in the Navy in WW II, but that he was in fact born in 1988 and did not even exist at the time of these events. A criminal investigation is pending.

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

. . . . I don't even know you anymore, Moldy.


"And ye shall learn the truth, and the truth will make you free." (John 8:32)



Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

I used the InDecision2004 Scandal Maker to make that hehe

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold


Hey FB. . hold on to the Faldon Award of Exellency, alright?


"And ye shall learn the truth, and the truth will make you free." (John 8:32)



Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

That was good.

I used the InDecision2004 Scandal Maker to make that hehe

I take it that's something on the daily show's website?


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

I <3 The Daily show. I want Bush to go on.  wink

But hey, I saved every damn one of them!

Even though I WAS born in 1987 (not 88, lie!) and am 17 (not 16- lie!).

Jeez, liar . . .


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

i want KKK to get more world wide and made almost into a religon where instead of going to church on sundays, we go on mondays massivly stoned listening to anti-nigger music and burning down the slums and raping and pillaging the filthy nigger communitys.




Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

I think the American government should pull out of Iraq and arm all of the KKK to the teeth and leave them there in good old Iraq.  It'd seem to solve two problems at once.


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

Yeah, but then we'd have a new problem:  The KKK taking control of Iraq.  Hey, never underestimate a redneck with a gun!


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

I don't see that it would be all that much of a change.


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

Yeah, but then we'd have a new problem:  The KKK taking control of Iraq.  Hey, never underestimate a redneck with a gun!

what a brilliant idea, but then when u think about it u got a redneck as a president ure cuontry is pretty much run by KKK, texas redneck guy?




Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

That was my point exactly.  tongue


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

no, it's my point u stealer, dont try and steal my thunder u bitch!




Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

It's nice to see a more forthcoming message in the Republican platform, FB.


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

ure cuontry is pretty much run by KKK, texas redneck guy?

C'mon, Muff.  We all know that if the country were run by the KKK, you'd be the first one in line to apply for citizenship! tongue


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

only if customs can clear my pitchfork and sawn of shotgun




Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

sawn of shotgun

You mean "sawed off shotgun"?

If that's the case, you must be grossly misinformed about the state of immigration in America.  Don't you know?  You get a shotgun, 2 handguns, and a thousand pounds of TNT when you become a citizen! wink


Re: A Lie Told By Mr. Mold

only 1000 pounds? fuck that, my pichfork kicks that tnts ass

