Re: What is it about W?

It perhaps might be that more conservatives have heard of MENSA or that some were mis-identified.  At any rate, I'd hardly call that small and narrow (internet users, upper 2% theoretically, largely Americans) to represent that much.

Out of curiousity, where did you get these statistics specifically?


Re: What is it about W?

So basically you are judging the entire population by one group? You fail to recognize that most of the state of the art technology the government uses comes from CalTech, and the most Jet engines, and new propulsion systems come from JPL(Jet Propulsion Labratories) also in California. Sorry if I put more faith into 2 organizations which try to improve certain areas of science rather that MENSA which is just a "high and mighty" assoication of people with hihg I.Q.s

All I was saying is that the midwest has a higher percent of the MOST intelligent people in the country.  Also, aren't the 2 organizations you listed actually corporations?  MENSA is a group, not a company.  If you want to compare companies, Argonne National labs, where I work, is located here in Illinois.  Argonne scientists have made more scientific breakthroughs in the last 50 years than any other government funded/mandated lab in the country.

At any rate, I'd hardly call that small and narrow (internet users, upper 2% theoretically, largely Americans) to represent that much.

Umm...  Who was talking about internet users? :?

Out of curiousity, where did you get these statistics specifically?

I got stats from MENSA's members site.


Re: What is it about W?

CalTech is the most prestigious technology school in the nation and JPL is a government labratory designed to test and form new proulsion methods. Niether is a company or corporation.

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: What is it about W?

I really don't think you can take one organization's membership base and make any really scientific conclusions from it.


Re: What is it about W?

I really don't think you can take one organization's membership base and make any really scientific conclusions from it.

Aww... You're just mad because the majority of the smartest people in the country are conservative. wink

Seriously, I realize that.  This was just in response to Gothics belief that there are more intelligent people on the west coast.  After all, this argument utilizes the basics of correlational effect, which we all know has very little to do with science . big_smile


Re: What is it about W?

I said the West Coast and New England.

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: What is it about W?

Sorry.  My mistake. roll


Re: What is it about W?

the smartest people in the country are conservative.





Re: What is it about W?

The self-proclaimed smartest, perhaps tongue

Seriously, political ideology has nothing to do with intellect.  They are honest differences of opinions.  Although I get heated up in it like we all do, we are best to remember this.


Re: What is it about W?

The self-proclaimed smartest, perhaps

Just for the record, you have to take an IQ test to get into MENSA.  But still, Cat, har-har-har.  REAL funny. wink

Seriously, political ideology has nothing to do with intellect. They are honest differences of opinions. Although I get heated up in it like we all do, we are best to remember this.

And when you think about it, we all want the same things for this country.  The ideology really comes down to the differences in how we want to accomplish our goals.


Re: What is it about W?

The self-proclaimed smartest, perhaps tongue

Seriously, political ideology has nothing to do with intellect.  They are honest differences of opinions.  Although I get heated up in it like we all do, we are best to remember this.

I disagree. I find that the vast majority of political issues, come down to logic. This is true for economical issues as well as social. When it comes to the economy, like Brim stated, we all do basically want the same things. Which is why arguements like who is more patriotic, when speaking of parties, is to be laughed at. However, the methods in which a, by our standards, "good" or "healthy" economy can be obtained comes to down to logic, in short. Some methods, be it a Republican one or Democratic are just stupid, or in politically correct terms; not logical- and have proven to never work. While others have. Yet, many people side with both options.

I think this is true for social issues in a great way, as well. For example, I don't believe that our government, or any, should run on religion, like many do. Why? It isn't logical. Simple as that. If you would like me to elaborate on this point, I would be glad to (but have quite a lot in the past).

And since logic is a clear sign on intellect, you see where I am going with all of this.

NOW, I'm not saying intellectual people can't stand on both sides, they have, do, and will continue to, but I am saying that there are defining issues that demonstrate what points I am trying to make.


Re: What is it about W?

I never said certain opinions weren't more illogical than others, and yes I do believe logic is objective.  It is applied subjectively, however tongue

I also don't believe logic entails intellect.


Re: What is it about W?

They're not insane.  They're whining, pathetic hippies with too much time on their hands who are too scared to say anything unless they are surounded by other, likeminded idiots.  But they are certainly not insane! big_smile

Sounds familiar.....


Re: What is it about W?

How did this turn into an "I am smarter than you" topic?

Intellect: the capacity for rational thought or inference or discrimination;

Logic: reasoned and reasonable judgment;

reasonable judgement...rational thought....

rational: having its source in or being guided by the intellect
synonyms: commonsense, commonsensible, commonsensical, fair, fairish, healthy, intelligent, levelheaded, logical, moderate, rational, sane, sensible, sound, tenable, well-founded

I tend to see logic at the root of intellect.


Re: What is it about W?

People define intellect in different manners, and that is the core of the problem.  Some people define it as how quickly you can intake and retain and apply information.  Others see it as analytical and synthetical thought, related to reason and logic.  Some people would say it is knowledge itself.  Clearly, it has many different meanings.

Being logical doesn't make someone intelligent.  Being accurately logical would as far as intelligence's definition of the mental faculty of thought and reason.  Often, objectivity is mistaken for logic.  Being objective doesn't require intelligence, of course.

On the subject of IQ testing, I don't believe IQ can be tested.  It can hardly be defined, and even when it is the definition is abstract.  It is hard to measure something that is abstract in terms of a quantity.  Thus, it is hard to gauge intelligence accurately. 

There are also numerous problems with IQ tests such as time allotted being kept in different ways or just hindering thought and making people nervous, predictability, studying for the test beforehand or just maybe the fact that what the test tests is not related to intelligence.  I haven't taken the MENSA IQ test, nor do I care to.  It is vain and the test is probably inaccurate anyways. 

All any IQ test really measures at the end is how well you did on the test compared to other people, not whether you are more intelligent than other people.  I believe this particularly applies to the SAT, which is disgustingly over-emphasized in terms of college admissions and is probably an overall bad indicator of intelligence.