The funny thing is, I didn't say that. Or anything resembling it, for that matter.
I didn't even mention ideology or the party as being "nazi", only nazish in terms of what Zell was implying. The implication is of course that we:
a)shouldn't question our leaders, we should mindlessly adhere to whatever his policies are
b) be afraid of the enemy and the only acceptable cure for that is the leader
c) George W. Bush is the country, or at least affiliated with it in a manner in which they cannot be separated.
d) Our critics are demons and the dissenters are traitors.
These weren't stated of course, but the implication was there the entire time. I thought it was reminscient of a Hitler speech because of the pure demagoguery and manipulation of emotion involved -- and that emotion was far past sincere to being dead serious.
These tactics of intimidation, demonization, capitalization off of emotion and generally the use of fear and anger as a foreign policy are indeed reminscient of the Nazi party of Germany. The implication wasn't that Republicans or conservatives are nazis, but rather that they are employing shameless anger driven propaganda to manipulate the public into supporting their agenda, all while capitalizing off a national tragedy. Know anyone else that did that? Does the Reichstag fire ring a bell? If the shoe fits, as far as I am concerned, you might as well wear it.
For those that aren't familiar with it, Zell Miller is a Democrat. Or at least he claims to be. So if my remarks somehow magically apply to the entire ideology or party, it'd be to that party rather than his. This was a slam against the tactics and tone of one man.
I love how Cat is always right and the Politicians who have been in the game for 20 to 40 or more years make such giant flaws in there speaches
Sarcasm for the people to dumb to realize
I love how just because someone is a politician, you automatically have to trust them. Funny, I always thought most politicians were to be distrusted, or at least viewed skeptically. Experience doesn't mean credibility, nor does it entail or secure accuracy.
This is a debate about ideology and his accusations, not public policy. It doesn't require experience, it requires knowledge. The person delievering a message does not change its accuracy. If you disagree with what I said, then reply.
Come to the aid of your party's attack dog, because I'm putting him down.