Re: Republican Convention
*Clap, clap* Marvelous! May I take your hand in marriage (before God kills me for even speaking of such things)?
What you said was very true, about the Soviet Union, for starters.
As was the one about ol' Abe. But the philosophical switch of the parties carried through to Teddy, as well. I mean, come on guys . . . the man loved nothing more than to break up a monopoly. He was extremely anti-corporate America, much more than the Democrats are today, and obviously the Republicans. And the national forests he reserved? Bless the man! Clinton did a bit of the before he left office, you still complain about it. Teddy would have a big fat "liberal" sticker on his chest, if he lived today.
"But leadership isn't about polls" . . . What he you had to say about that was very true. But they don't see it that way. Because dictatorship is fine, it's wonderful, nothing is better WHEN the dictator is of your party. That's where hipocrisy comes in, something none of us are not guilty of at times. But it is SOOOOOO clear in situations like this, that I can't even bere it.
All in all, very good!