Topic: Is Kerry in trouble?

Kerry broke numerous traditions by holding a campaign during the RNC. I believe he knows he is in trouble and was doing his best to steal the spot light.

Did it work? No... Most news stations paid little attention to him.

Now Kerry is doing something that has never been done. He is doing a Midnight Campaign rally, once again trying to shove his face in the spotlight because he is in big trouble.

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.

Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

How is he in big trouble? With whom, the die-hard Republicans? I'm sure he's shaking with freight.


Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

This does beg the question of why he'd break with a long standing tradition of the elections and hold campaign rallies during the RNC?

Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

Oh, I'm sure he DID do it to steal spotlight, whatever things you guys want to believe. I am just saying . . . trouble? No.


Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

I don't think he was trying to steal the spotlight.  Personally, I just think he's afraid of the RNC giving Bush a good boost in the polls (especially because he got little/no boost after the DNC) and he doesn't want to lose whatever momentum he has.


Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

From what I have heard so far, the RNC is doing just as well/lousy as the DNC had on the public. Strength with their own numbers, yes, little influence over people who are still undecided though. Although this does have the chance to change seeing as how Bush just finished his speech tonight.

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

Actually Gothic... I have heard the exact opposite. Bush has gotten a very good bounce off of the RNC, and I expect it to be even bigger now that Bush did his speach.

Brim, there is no doubt that he was trying to steal the spot light. I loved what they did to him tonight.. When Kerry was speaking they went to a comercial break, then went back to the regular scheduled program.. Then went back to Kerry when his speach was over.. I got nothing out of his speach cuz of that hehe

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

That's very low. But nothing I wouldn't expect.

Anyway, the DNC did have an effect on the public, in a positive way (for them). The fact it wasn't much bigger was becuase of the mechanics of this particular election itself.

There have been SO many things to sway the public. John Kerry did this, John Kerry did that, John Kerry said this, John kerry said that, John Kerry was here, or there, or anywhere, or voted this and that and blah blah blah.

And of course, Bush is absolutely no different, in many cases, on a larger scale.

The American moderate voter has been raped with an assault of slants, biases, spins, speaches, ads, debates, and bumper stickers for months now.

Will another speech by the President or President-hopeful make some great change in the polls? Not a chance.

Both the DNC, and RNC could have never happened this year, for all I, or the American public cares.


Re: Is Kerry in trouble?

god i hate bush even more after listening to his speech last night......if i have time i'll pick apart all the blatent lies up on the board.....but let's just say i have never seen a speech filled with more mud slinging and flat out lies......oh, and all the cute little foam cowboy hats those hillbillies with money were wearing were a definate fitting touch......  roll  roll
