Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

the way i understand it, most of the important polls (and by important, i mean ones that are cited by reputable news outlets) are only given to people who voted in the previous election....what poll did you take fb?



Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

You are correct. Which is interesting, 'cause there will be a big voter turnout of 18 year olds this year. The majority of those, will most likely be voting for Kerry.


Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

Recent Polls have shown 18-25 year olds are now voting even at 47 Bush 47 Kerry..

Bush is now leading with Women voters.. Has a huge lead with Men voters... and has been annihilating with Vet Voters...

Now if you dont believe me check out polling report and Fox News and NBC has been showing it also

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

One was an independant Poll for BG states..

Another was for Newsweek that I took when they were looking for my father.

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

Polls mean shit. I'm sorry but they really do. There is no way to fortell how this election will turn out, until the actual election takes place. You guys realize the entire point of these polls is to scare the other side into already thinking they have lost so they don't feel it would make a difference to vote or not. Right now, the media is making Bush the strong man and naturally the polls show the same. Reason being: the media controls the polls. It is not factual, it is not probable, it is a scare tactic.

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

SNL Gore vs Bush debate owns..   

Gore: My Lock box will be camoflauged

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

Recent Polls have shown 18-25 year olds are now voting even at 47 Bush 47 Kerry..

I never said anything about "18-25" year olds. I was mentioning 18 year olds only. Kids who never voted before, and aren't being called or 'polled' now.

Bush is now leading with Women voters.. Has a huge lead with Men voters... and has been annihilating with Vet Voters...

Not exactly. Niether of these candidates has a 'huge' lead in any poll, and will not win this election by a 'huge' majority. No party should be feeling comfortable.

Now if you dont believe me check out polling report and Fox News and NBC has been showing it also

FOX news rofl . . . excuse me while I run there to get my daily dose of
"fair and balanced" news! *sues Al Franken*


Re: Election 2004 is Over.. And the Winner is..

another flaw in polls is that only people with "hard lines" (i.e. house phones) get polled.....think of how many people you know that totally rely on cell phones for all their calls....
