Topic: Faldon officially ruled dead by Coroner Coma...
Apparently from what I understand there is a new client/game coming out probably within six moths or so. But faldon will still be around, so being as little worked on in the last 3+ years i doubt anything new is going to happen or anything to benfit the game in general. If im correct to assume that the new game will be coming out, and faldon still standing left to rott away, but also that the new game will yet be hosted on the same "Zerver" as faldon.. so hows that going to balance out? There is hardly enough bandwidth as of now, let alone another client/game server... I propose that Zer or Coma come out with it honestly. If faldon is dead, refund the current C's there money and shut teh game down or something, jesus you owe us at least an explination well before a Six month perod... Just at least tell us something as a coommunity please.
And what the hell is going on? crovax removes guardians after he gets his 180+ zerk so nobody else could use them (not like you could really macro there anyway, being someone would kill you as you couldn't aura while zerked). And removing the warp to the tiger spawn. Choosing heartlilly of all unlikely peopel to be the "trial war guy" as he so graciously put it.
Liek what the hell has been going on with the "important" decision making, i haven't really seen any good player->power selections as of late. Some people may be good for the job but others are completely useless. If they can't script or have the time or will power to edit and improve the game, demote them to an M if not already, at least that way you know they are not giving items away to their "group" of "friends".
Anyway im sure this will go ignored as everything else i have tried to improve faldon, but as time goes over i seem to be getting nastier as i am losing patience and faith in the whole management side of faldon. Taking me a long time, but I like teh same so much I just don't want to watch it go to a waste because lack of effort or decision making.
Anyway, shit on me all you want people, that is my opinion, I am entitled to one seeings how I have been a paying player for over 3 years and have always tried to help the game and community. Don't hate me for my being "nasty" its just the passion of a dissapointed man. :oops: