Re: God is great, or God is foul.

ah the good old days of paginism! Twisted Evil

What do you mean the good old days? Paganism is one of the fastest growing religions in the Western World.


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

proof that god does exist- well, that is a tricky question. Sure, supernatural occurrences take place, granted, but that alone is not enough. There must be something greater. I returned to the theory presented in the The Serpentwar Saga written by Raymond Feist, which is, as long as people believe in something, it exists. I add my own spin to this- being that even if he is made up, god does exist because people believe in him. Therefore, there cannot not be a god, because to many people believe in it. Even if only one person believes, that is still enough to create a deity. Henceforth, it is also highly probable that an actual deity does exist. Maybe not all powerful, but still the creator of life on earth. For example, in Star Trek, their is a dead race of beings called the preservers. They supposedly seeded life on earth, thus creating humans. Whether or not we call them god is entirely up to us. The universe theoretically exists in ten dimensions, as some of you know, and it is also theorized that since we cannot see these higher planes, we cannot see the inhabitants of these higher planes. Maybe god is one of these, ah, imperceiveables, if you will. As for how they pop in and out, why sometimes people are said to have seen a ghost, demon, angel, whatever, I think it is because anything in a higher dimension has control, or perception of lower dimensions along with its own. Take humans for example, we exist in the third dimension. Now, we can also draw a picture in the 2nd dimension, and draw a line in the first dimension. We are able to perceive these, and edit them, as both the 1st and 2nd dimension are what help to make up the third dimension. Therefore, creatures that exist in higher planes, such as dimension 7 for example, would be able to alter dimensions 1-7, but no higher than that. Mayhaps we are just an experiment to one of these creatures of the higher planes, maybe also one of them created us, and as things of a higher dimension can edit things of a lesser dimension, it would make sense. God is what you think it is, whatever created us, be that the big bang, alien civilization, or a deity from a higher plane of reality, whatever it is to you is what matters. I was asked to prove the existence of god, and I think I have proven that a god can exist- remember, god does not have to be all powerful to be god, he can just be our creator, not some all powerful wizardlike being of myth.

It is high time I put something intelligent here.


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

In a continuation of my post, there is no way in hellto prove that there wasn't a creator, since anyway you look at it provides that something had to create us. Therefore, it is possible that Atheism is flawed.

It is high time I put something intelligent here.


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

I think with sufficient knowledge of this topic, you will agree that Christians and Cathlocs all worship the same God, but believe in different ways of getting to Him. You want proof of God's existence? Try me! I dare you. wink Any battle between creationists and evolutionists will goto to the creationists... It's really a no brainer. Man sinned and has to pay the penalty. You say God is evil. Would you send your perfect son to die a most brutal death just to save a bunch of ants on a hill?

Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that he will.


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

In a continuation of my post, there is no way in hellto prove that there wasn't a creator, since anyway you look at it provides that something had to create us. Therefore, it is possible that Atheism is flawed.

there is much more proof of the big bang than a so called "god"


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

I think with sufficient knowledge of this topic, you will agree that Christians and Cathlocs all worship the same God, but believe in different ways of getting to Him. You want proof of God's existence? Try me! I dare you. wink Any battle between creationists and evolutionists will goto to the creationists... It's really a no brainer. Man sinned and has to pay the penalty. You say God is evil. Would you send your perfect son to die a most brutal death just to save a bunch of ants on a hill?

good grief   roll

ok kiddo, I'll try ya!

Theology: The study of elaborate verbal disguises for non-ideas


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

ok now i myself believe there is a "God", but i dont believe in christianity. People are intitled to their own opinions.

but the "God" you are referring to... Yes he's sitting on the ant hill staring down at us with his little magnifying glass laughing his arse off. he doesnt interfer with humans. he's surperior to us. if you want to believe in the fact that "he created humans" ..... then he created us just to have "something" to do. dont you think maybe he got bored being alone with just the angels around? we are his pawns in his little game of life.  ok i could go on and continue with this little debate but i'm not going to right now.  lol


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

If I were a pelican.


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

there is much more proof of the big bang than a so called "god"

Actually most scientists now have discredited the Big Bang Theory and are looking for alternative answers.


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

there is much more proof of the big bang than a so called "god"

Actually most scientists now have discredited the Big Bang Theory and are looking for alternative answers.

since when ?


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

If I were a pelican.

youd have wings ?


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

Actually fro quite a while now. There is just to much thats uncertain about the Big BAng Theory


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

Actually fro quite a while now. There is just to much thats uncertain about the Big BAng Theory

Provide links and ill believe it cos i havent heard anything of the sort i heard the universe actually started with a murmer rather than a bang which they can tell from radiation patterns still left in the universe


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

How about you google it


Re: God is great, or God is foul.

The whole theory of the Big Bang as the point of creation for the universe falls down on one simple point: This is the fact that for an explosion to occur it needs something to explode into. If nothing existed before the Big Bang then there was no platform for the explosion to have taken place. In which case it means that if such an enormous bang had once occurred it could only have done so within the framework of a setting which was every bit a part of the physical world as the universe is today. In other words the Big Bang exploded into a physical universe that was already extant before it occurred. Either way this proves that the Big Bang could not have been responsible for the creation of all matter.

ok pru i googled it and got this which is wrong cos they are saying there is nothing for it to explode into well i said in my earlier post that its now thought it was a murmer rather than a babg therefore ive just disproved this load of bullshit.

EDIT: also i know dark matter theory and other space time theorys so im not completely dumb as to these things.

and even if it where created as a bang rather than a murmer sound has to travel therefore the thing existed before the actual explosion which technically it wasnt as the explosion is laymans terms.