Topic: Zammbi's money things...

Zammbi... why are you using Faldon in an attempt to
make money? Don't spam your money things here..
Not only am I pretty sure that is against the TOS
for just about every money making site like those,
but also you are just spamming our boards... You
are supposed to be a mod...


Re: Zammbi's money things...

There is no TOS for the message boards, and I spam? I posted 1 last month and 1 this month, I wouldn’t call that spamming. It’s a meaningful topic, so go please stop real spammers and enter posts like "Salvador = Lady Dana = finger in you ass = LAME C***", "Someone_at_nothing and Oman", etc. And yes i'm a mod, but I have no power here to clean this board up, though I did ask zer but he said it was a waste of time.

Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

I beg to differ?! The Trash Heap isnt a waste of time!

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

LOL nope its FBs baby hehe


Re: Zammbi's money things...

C*** = Cows? Cars? Coal? Coon? Cats? Cold?

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

There is no TOS for the message boards, and I spam? I posted 1 last month and 1 this month, I wouldn’t call that spamming. It’s a meaningful topic, so go please stop real spammers and enter posts like "Salvador = Lady Dana = finger in you ass = LAME C***", "Someone_at_nothing and Oman", etc. And yes i'm a mod, but I have no power here to clean this board up, though I did ask zer but he said it was a waste of time.

By spamming, I mean posting a message to a mass amount of users.
When you post a message on the boards it is then in my definition
"spammed" as it is shown to users, many that you do not even know.
And as far as TOS I am speaking of the TOS provided by the money
companies, not by Illusory Studios.

The reason I care more about your post than all the other spammers,
is because you are a Faldon mod. You are posting on the boards trying
to make money.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

Ok so where does it say that I cant make money? I get nothing for the hours I do each week, so I see no harm. And no im not breaking any tos with netbus/pay-pup go check it yourself if you wish.

I beg to differ?! The Trash Heap isnt a waste of time!

Trash heap is ok, its just the GD  wink

C*** = Cows? Cars? Coal? Coon? Cats? Cold


Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

How was I spamming by revealing salvador's many accounts?


Re: Zammbi's money things...

Yeah, how was that spamming, it wasn't anything like one of my posts.

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

How the fuck was I spamming when I made a topic for those two goons to fight in? I did it because I was sick of seeing them fighting in every topic.
Fucking lame..


Re: Zammbi's money things...

I didn't say you did spam I just said look into those ones and you will find real spamers.

Dont look down here, my message is up there.


Re: Zammbi's money things...

I beg to differ?! The Trash Heap isnt a waste of time!


*takes lethal arsenic dose to honor the mighty trash heap*


Re: Zammbi's money things...

Zammbi, Lothar just has control issues. Its best not to even respond to him when he gets on one of his "trips". Its called General Discussion and the Trash Heap for the very reason that you can post anything meaningful in the former and anything else in the latter.

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: Zammbi's money things...

How the fuck was I spamming when I made a topic for those two goons to fight in? I did it because I was sick of seeing them fighting in every topic.
Fucking lame..

Well why don't you just cry around it?