Topic: TOILET PHONE!!!!!
I have a true story for all of you little children. It's about a toilet, a phone, and a and a rather screwed up Freshman son of a bitch.
The other day, I was in the bathroom, because we had been doing rescue breathing and CPR in Health class, and we had to use those removable faces for the manniquins. I had just washed mine in the bleach and I was getting the nasty smell of overchlorinated pool water out of the skin on my hands. There were about 4 other people in there, and I suddenly heard, "Hey, there's a cell phone in the pot!" I finished washing my hands and I walked over to see it. The toilet was clean, or at least I hope so, and I pushed the other guys out of the way and reached into the toilet. Next thing I knew, I had a rather scratched up cell phone in my right hand. I immediatly turned around and showed everyone else, and I heard some odd noises coming from some of their stomachs. Then I took the newly dubbed "Toilet Phone" home. Since it had been sitting in a toilet, I let it sit out to dry before I tryed to turn it on. Two days later, I turned it on, but the owner had cancelled the service after they realized the phone had gone missing. I was going to call a Holiday Inn in Sydney, Australia (I had the number and everything ), but my plan was ruined.
I reached into a toilet at school and pulled out a phone.
Who could lose a phone in a toilet anyway?