Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

I was there....But i was hiding in the closet filming the pillow fight...

I'm opening up a shop that sells 13" rulers just so Fireborn stops complaining.


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

Bill should have been there... And then me too, so he could jail me and kick me 40 times in 2 minutes for no reason.....  :cry:

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

40 kicks in 2 minutes, so 3 second for one loop of 'start client' 'login acct' 'login char' 'get kicked'

Impressive ;-)

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

Hey, Bill took his job seriously as mod and GM as I took my job seriously as village idiot  wink

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

How is the retirement plan for that function anyway? I hear you get an early retirement plus nice 'window reinforcement bars' for free. ^^

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

Government's holding back on that, though I do get free pie delivered to me in the mail once a month! I just have to keep sending them the checks I get from my full time job. tongue

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

wow, that's awesome.(sarcasm * 1000)

It is high time I put something intelligent here.


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......



Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......


Destroyer of Worlds


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

I have recently become a huge fan of the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion (I just hope that I'm not the only peoson on the boards who watches it...).
I have the special edition box set, and recently I ordered the movie "The End of Evangelion" online (movie meant to replace the nonsense final two episodes after writer got death threats). I SWEAR THIS MOVIE HAS THE LONGEST END OF THE WORLD SCENE IN THE HISTORY OF MOVIES!!!! Also, in the background, they play this really happy sounding song that, if you listen to the lyrics, is EXTREMELY depressing:

I wish that I could turn back time
cos now the guilt is all mine
can't live without
the trust of those you love
I know we can't forget the past
you can't forget love and pride
because of that, it's killing me inside

Anyway, if you are a fan of the show, DO NOT WATCH THE LAST TWO EPISODES, and buy the movie.

You're a fucking fucktard, that's what I have to say. Ignore Ulrich watch the last two episodes if you have any brain at all and are capable of understanding the show. The last two episodes are some of the best ever in the series and they completely show the true attitudes of Asuka, Rei and Shinji. Hopefully you atleast watched the series in Japanese with subtitles. Fucker.

Go Kief.  Put that fucker in his place.  tongue


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

*flips middle finger* Well, fuck you too, buddy!!


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

This was originally about anime wasnt it? Well good, saves me the trouble of starting a thread...

Today I have discovered an anime funnier than Azumanga Daioh. (Yes! It IS possible...)

The name is Full Metal Panic.

Basically it's a mecha anime with some supernatural stuff. Anyhow, the mecha/fighting/action part isnt so interesting. The parts in between are what is really brilliant. So they made a spin-off, Full Metal Panic Fumoffu! Which focuses purely on the parts that were 'inbetween' in the original. One site described it as a 4 hour assault on your stomach muscles... I can tell you that mine are awfully tired today... ;-)

Anyhow, if anyone is interested...

If you dont like the mecha and fighting stuff, watch episode 1-3. thats plenty funny in and of itself, and offers plenty of background to go on and watch Fumoffu without watching the rest of FMP. (Though FMP isnt bad by any means, just that the humour totally outclasses the action.)

Of course, I'll be happy to assist anyone who ims me w.r.t. their wanting to obtain the anime. ^_^

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

heh... anime... so immature.

www.legendofoman.tk...go visit it!!!!!!!!!11


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

you're one to talk =p

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

i cant remember what was the last thing i watched. i downloaded Helsing a month ago. sadly it was dubed in english, so it wasnt great. i think ive seen one episode of full metal panic, but i dont remember.


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

I still think FLCL is the funniest anime I have ever seen. My sense of humor is fueled by random nonsense shit. That is why I keep coming back to this board.

And it's still weird to think that FLCL and Neon Genesis Evangelion were made by the same group of people. They have almost nothing in common, save for the haractr designs (look at the eyes) and, I think once (maybe twice), FLCL mentions Evangelion.


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

What about both of them featuring robots & fighting? =p

Though, I'll agree furikuri is just.... different.

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

One othere similarity is that you may have to watch them more than once to understand them. Or, as with some people (namely those that aren't good with symbolism), you may not get it at all.


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

It has some depth to it for sure, it is harder to notice all instances of deeper meaning though, with the huge random bullshit factor muddying one's view.

"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."


Re: The Longest "End of the World Scene" ever.......

Well, FLCL has more random bullshit than symbolism, or, for that matter, plot.  Evangelion, on the other hand, is only about 9% random bullshit. the rest is symbolism, plot, and character conflict.