Re: Rules and Regulations of the Trash Heap... Open Discussion!
WTF u mean NO PORN wtf is up with yur mind man
Porn is the only thing that keeps this board alive
riot for PORN
Translation... "I've never seen a vagina firsthand and I fail at life."
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WTF u mean NO PORN wtf is up with yur mind man
Porn is the only thing that keeps this board alive
riot for PORN
Translation... "I've never seen a vagina firsthand and I fail at life."
actually.. in reality.. Most people see the vagina upon birth. Most people.. some people aren't as lucky.
hrmm.. dunno.. arent your eyes pretty much closed at first? And even when you do see the first time, its like black&white right? OOOH well.
And it's your mums? You sick inbred fuckers failed to point that out :shock:
Not seeing the problem Akroma =p
Haha, man that's disturbing 8)
I miss old forums, how can a topic at top of trash heap not get any posts for like a year :cry:
I am alone here now!! :evil:
Ugh, other than FB and Crov, but you guys don't count as people...
Meh.. People agree with all my rules! YAY
I love DA Cock
yes you do yes u do
Who in the... :?
+2 apparently, and I moved to Florida if you again look at these forums :?
It is hot as hell right now.
That explains what happened to you. I wondered where you went off to.
Uhh, go on aim sometime
Indeed. I will be there, and we will have a party.
Uhh, go on aim sometime
Uhm. You live in Florida. Does that raise your risk of dying by a tornado? -Hopes-
They're usually waterspouts here, and no, I will NEVER DIE!!!
Veega wrote:
i will never die
-shoots veega-
*catches bullet with his massive penis*
- Puts his assasin suit on , and qiuetly kills veega with a 10 inch long knife in his heart..-
the funeral is on Wednesday.. :!:
Veega has no heart.
Veega is such a fag. <3
Veega is such a fag. <3
He's trying to molest me in PMs!!
Sexy PMs.
*Veega tastes like sunshine dust*
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