Topic: The Journey.

Whilst cleaning out the fridge that belongs to my friends 60+ year old mother. I came across a 7 year old vacuum sealed package of pepperoni.

Being me, I decided it would be a good idea to ingest said pepperoni to see what sort of diarhea it would cause. Upon further research, I found that 7 year old pepperoni does indeed cause projectile diarhea, the viscosity of which is similar to that of water.

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: The Journey.

Oh, my God. I did a similar expiriment with a 10 year old pack of Combos.

Completly opposite effect.

Zerodyme is a ghost. You don't know he's there until he's cut you. As your hands fall off and your torso splits, the last thing you'll think is, "Oh, fuck! Zerodyme was here!"