Topic: Macro
Where can I download faldon macro? I just need the left click one. Not for playing faldon.
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Where can I download faldon macro? I just need the left click one. Not for playing faldon.
hah hah... ohh.. hah.. *looks around*
Hire your mom.
Completely forgotten where I found it.
But I hated it so I decompiled it and made my own
**WARNING** If you download third-party files such as these, you use them at your own risk. Many third-party applications can contain key-loggers and other malware.
Only does left clicking. Customisable delay preset at 750ms.
Got a better start/stop hotkey and looks better.
Alt + F1 instead of shift+z so no annoying accidental starting when typing
40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year
2nd Gen. Faldon_Macro ~75% complete (woot!)
I have uploaded my new macroer:
The macroer stops macroing when you type, starts when you finish.
The start/stop keys do not affect other windows, it can left-click, right-click,
tame, etc.. Another update is also coming soon for more.
How exactly did you decompile it? The only code I know that can be really
decompiled is .NET. Anything else, the best you will get is assembly. And
altering that is not exactly easy. It would be much easier to write your
own. Especially since decompiled code to assembly is nowhere near as
neat as self-written assembly, which isn't that easy itself.
Well it was made by a non-professional programmer using delphi which means the file was pretty much open to decompilers.
I think I ran it through DeDe (a delphi decompiler) and it gives a reasonably accurate guess at the components and how they're linked. Gives you an exact layout of components on the form too. So all you need to really work out is the code linking the components.
Turns out all it was was a couple of ttimers, one to click each mouse button, a hotkey for each timer and an edit box.
Just to encourage faith in my clicker heres the source code DeDe extracts from it, yes it is mostly assembly but the useful bit is the comments DeDe adds:
unit ClickerX;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics,
Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls
Left: TTimer;
Display: TPanel;
Poppy: TPopupMenu;
Remote: TSendKeys;
Timer: TEdit;
Info1: TLabel;
Info2: TLabel;
Help1: TMenuItem;
About1: TMenuItem;
procedure FormCreate(Sender : TObject);
procedure FormClose(Sender : TObject);
procedure LeftTimer(Sender : TObject);
procedure Help1Click(Sender : TObject);
procedure About1Click(Sender : TObject);
{ Private declarations }
{ Public declarations }
end ;
Base: TBase;
{This file is generated by DeDe Ver 3.50.04 Copyright (c) 1999-2002 DaFixer}
{$R *.DFM}
procedure TBase.FormCreate(Sender : TObject);
00455080 53 push ebx
00455081 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
00455083 6A70 push $70
00455085 6A01 push $01
00455087 6A01 push $01
00455089 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
0045508B E8AC54FEFF call 0043A53C
00455090 50 push eax
* Reference to: user32.RegisterHotKey()
00455091 E89E15FBFF call 00406634
00455096 85C0 test eax, eax
00455098 753B jnz 004550D5
* Possible String Reference to: 'ERROR!'
0045509A BAE0504500 mov edx, $004550E0
* Reference to control TBase.Display : TPanel
0045509F 8B83FC020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02FC]
004550A5 E8E6ECFDFF call 00433D90
004550AA BAFF000000 mov edx, $000000FF
* Reference to control TBase.Display : TPanel
004550AF 8B83FC020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02FC]
004550B5 E846EEFDFF call 00433F00
004550BA 6830000400 push $00040030
* Possible String Reference to: 'AutoZerk'
004550BF B9E8504500 mov ecx, $004550E8
* Possible String Reference to: 'The hotkey Ctrl+F1 is in use by ano
| ther program. Close it and restart
| this program.'
004550C4 BAF4504500 mov edx, $004550F4
* Reference to TApplication instance
004550C9 A170704500 mov eax, dword ptr [$00457070]
004550CE 8B00 mov eax, [eax]
* Reference to : TApplication._PROC_00453648()
004550D0 E873E5FFFF call 00453648
004550D5 5B pop ebx
004550D6 C3 ret
procedure TBase.FormClose(Sender : TObject);
00455148 53 push ebx
00455149 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
0045514B 6A01 push $01
0045514D 8BC3 mov eax, ebx
0045514F E8E853FEFF call 0043A53C
00455154 50 push eax
* Reference to: user32.UnregisterHotKey()
00455155 E81A16FBFF call 00406774
0045515A 5B pop ebx
0045515B C3 ret
procedure TBase.LeftTimer(Sender : TObject);
004551D4 55 push ebp
004551D5 8BEC mov ebp, esp
004551D7 6A00 push $00
004551D9 53 push ebx
004551DA 8BD8 mov ebx, eax
004551DC 33C0 xor eax, eax
004551DE 55 push ebp
004551DF 684A524500 push $0045524A
***** TRY
004551E4 64FF30 push dword ptr fs:[eax]
004551E7 648920 mov fs:[eax], esp
004551EA 8D55FC lea edx, [ebp-$04]
* Reference to control TBase.Timer : TEdit
004551ED 8B8308030000 mov eax, [ebx+$0308]
004551F3 E868EBFDFF call 00433D60
004551F8 8B45FC mov eax, [ebp-$04]
004551FB E8682CFBFF call 00407E68
* Reference to GlobalVar_00458C14
00455200 A3148C4500 mov dword ptr [$00458C14], eax
00455205 8B15148C4500 mov edx, [$00458C14]
* Reference to control TBase.Left : TTimer
0045520B 8B83F8020000 mov eax, [ebx+$02F8]
* Reference to : TPanel._PROC_00428FC0()
00455211 E8AA3DFDFF call 00428FC0
00455216 6A00 push $00
00455218 6A00 push $00
0045521A 6A00 push $00
0045521C 6A00 push $00
0045521E 6A02 push $02
* Reference to: user32.mouse_event()
00455220 E88715FBFF call 004067AC
00455225 6A00 push $00
00455227 6A00 push $00
00455229 6A00 push $00
0045522B 6A00 push $00
0045522D 6A04 push $04
* Reference to: user32.mouse_event()
0045522F E87815FBFF call 004067AC
00455234 33C0 xor eax, eax
00455236 5A pop edx
00455237 59 pop ecx
00455238 59 pop ecx
00455239 648910 mov fs:[eax], edx
****** FINALLY
* Possible String Reference to: '[Y]Í@'
0045523C 6851524500 push $00455251
00455241 8D45FC lea eax, [ebp-$04]
00455244 E803ECFAFF call 00403E4C
00455249 C3 ret
0045524A E901E6FAFF jmp 00403850
0045524F EBF0 jmp 00455241
****** END
00455251 5B pop ebx
00455252 59 pop ecx
00455253 5D pop ebp
00455254 C3 ret
procedure TBase.Help1Click(Sender : TObject);
* Possible String Reference to: 'This program left clicks the mouse
| continuously wherever it is when Al
| t+F1 is pressed. Pressing Alt+F1 ag
| ain stops the clicking. You can cha
| nge the delay between clicks in the
| box.'
00455258 B86C524500 mov eax, $0045526C
* Reference to : TMessageForm._PROC_004273F0()
0045525D E88E21FDFF call 004273F0
00455262 C3 ret
procedure TBase.About1Click(Sender : TObject);
* Possible String Reference to: 'Created by Dyronamic Studios: webne
00455324 B838534500 mov eax, $00455338
* Reference to : TMessageForm._PROC_004273F0()
00455329 E8C220FDFF call 004273F0
0045532E C3 ret
+- attempt to register hotkeys, send warning if in use.
+- on hotkey press, check delay in editbox, set as ttimer delay then activate ttimer:
+--- click left mouse button every X ms ttimer delay.
+- on hotkey press, stop ttimer
+- on exit, unregister hotkeys.
+- various help/info messages.
It helps when you can see the components set out on the form as well.
40,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year
2nd Gen. Faldon_Macro ~75% complete (woot!)
Morphine, what is your prefferred area for programming? I have dabbled a bit in QBASIC, VB, VB Scripting, C, C++, and C#. I'm not that good yet, but I am starting classes soon for an Associates Degree In Computer Science: Software Applications and Programming. I'm not sure why, but I find the topic to be very interesting and fun. It's probably because I have no life and don't mind staring at a computer monitor with no real human interaction......
*something about masturbating and tears as lube*
Oh you so sexy. You know......five dolla make you holla
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