Topic: Conspiracy in our Government!

Happiness is only a byproduct of the Government. It is a way to control our minds. There is no such thing as hapiness. This government has entered endorphines into our Blood stream for generations and generations. It is all a ploy so that we dont question them. This High Level Government conspiracy ranks up there with the Holiday Greeting Card conspiracy and the Tupac one also (ie everyone knows he just had to return to his planet so they staged his death). I am a member of F.A.G. (Federation Against the Government) the greatest organ ization there ever was right beside C.U.N.T.S. (Columbian Undergrad Nazi Terrorist Society).

Join Us and Be saved!


Re: Conspiracy in our Government!

FAG and CUNTS.. really? really?

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.