Topic: Dungeons
Hi again,
It seems that most people suggest to camp one site to get xp and stuff. Then when they get better they find another site and camp it as well. Thus far camping seems to be about the only thing that works for me. I'm lvl 21, and it seems like I have 3 options. Walk around killing hordes of very easy creatures (like mice and snakes), walk around in the graveyard crpyt north of Valour and die most of the time cause I get ganged, or camp a 2 spawn skeleton location.
Are there places were I can actually walk around and explore without getting ganged by 5 creatures who respawn almost as fast as I kill them?
I guess what I'm looking for is a bigger dungeon that has a slower respawn rate. That way I can work my way from the front to back, only running in to 2 or 3 at time, and not really seeing any respawns. If I decided to work my way back out, then I would be killing stuff again because it would be respawning behind me (as opposed to in the same room as me).