Topic: Text macroing

I've attempted to find out the answer on my own, but had no success.  Is there a way to macro text?  For example can I set up the game to spit out "b selling <item> <cool item> <crappy item> buying <cool item> t me" with a few clicks?  I'd be nice to set something up like that so I could easily throw that out there every hour or so.  My first idea was to just have a txt file with that info and copy and past, but Faldon doesn't seem to like that.  I know there's something you can do with pet commands, but couldn't figure that out (would it even help?).  Any suggestions?


Re: Text macroing

Suggestion:  Stop Trying This....

It is considered advertising and spam.  I know I have been told a few times to stop spamming about wanting an AB.

I am not talking about constantly sending out a message either.  I was sending a message about every five or ten minutes.

Last edited by <-mage<- (February 7th, 2007 9:17 PM)


Re: Text macroing

Melchior wrote:

I'd be nice to set something up like that so I could easily throw that out there every hour or so.

Every 2 hours is spamming?


Re: Text macroing

If you don't continously spam there's nothing to worry about. Faldon doesnt seem to have some sort copy/paste function atm so you'll have to rely on other tools.
I used hotkeyboard pro for quite a while, it has some nice functions, but you only get to use for 30 days orso (*cough* crack *cough*) hehe.
Here's a link to it click me!


Re: Text macroing

IIRC, one of Tim's programs will let you paste text into Faldon.

Get Faldon Utilities:


Re: Text macroing

That is true, if I still have it. It was for a contest, so not sure if I kept it around, I will take a look.


Re: Text macroing


This program will replace your system's paste function allowing it to paste into games like Faldon. This will replace your system's function only while running and only while activated. The program has an off and on button and will start in the on position. Clicking the checkbox will turn the program off, clicking again will turn it back on.

However, if you choose to use this, I ask that you not abuse it. I did not offer this for massive amounts of spam. If you are caught spamming you will be dealt with. Also, in retrospect I probably should have made it two option-boxes rather than a check-box for off/on but it was for a quick contest and I only spent a minute.. so meh.