Re: Who is Fireborn??

Im confused... So am I FB?

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Who is Fireborn??

Sorry dude...you aren't worth typing the whole name for....


Re: Who is Fireborn??


Evil Devil - Prometherion


Re: Who is Fireborn??

Fireborn is a sexy uber right wing conservative that won my heart years ago....I am a left wing bleeding heart liberal type. If only someone could tame him....Sigh.


Re: Who is Fireborn??

I`ve tamed him. I`m holding the noose around his dick.

Associate Production Coordinating Directorial Associate Managing Departmental Divisional Supervisor of The International Network Amalgamation Distributor's Corporation Management Organizational Association of Men Who Like Pussy.


Re: Who is Fireborn??

No! That just excites him!!  (see BME Pain Olympics, he is the one hanging from the ceiling)

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: Who is Fireborn??

wow its been a long time and its good to see nothings changed

www.legendofoman.tk...go visit it!!!!!!!!!11


Re: Who is Fireborn??

I love how this topic was posted in 2005.. Glad i could keep it around... lol

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Who is Fireborn??

oooo... It is about the time of year for me to bring this topic back up.... I always end up seeing this topic, forgetting what it is about, and bringing it back to life!

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.