Topic: To Zer: Resets Working Improperly

I recently purchased a reset for one character was charged but did not recieve. I have previously boughten a reset and it has taken upto 7 hours to recieve. I will wait to see if that happens to this one.

I also have tried purchasing a reset for another character and it states that they do not exist in the database. Im guessing this has to do with the Server Cutover.

If you have any insight. Let me know thanks.


Re: To Zer: Resets Working Improperly

Server switch hasn't happened yet. But it will happen probably by Tuesday or Wednesday.
Only thing holding it up is me moving mail and market into a database.


Re: To Zer: Resets Working Improperly

Interesting, the order server was sitting using 50% CPU  (effectively 100% as it's a HyperThreaded single core Pentium 4).
I've restarted  it, let me know if that fixes it.

The order server is something that *is* completely replaced in the new server machine, FWIW.


Re: To Zer: Resets Working Improperly

Seems to be working  big_smile

Evil Devil - Prometherion


Re: To Zer: Resets Working Improperly

The restart was a great quick fix. Thanks.