Topic: Devil Incarnate

As Severed was mentioning today in bcast, Devil Incarnate rep should be more blackish than red imo. I just think it should be very evil and dark looking rather than just a bold looking red.

If practice makes perfect, and no ones perfect, why practice?

Lvl: 526 Skill total:34xx


Re: Devil Incarnate

Hmmm I'm not quite sure how rep colour is set, as in if it's controlled by the client or server. If the former then it probably won't be possible. However, I'm not sure how dark it should be, it has to remain easily readable.


Re: Devil Incarnate


Evil Devil - Prometherion


Re: Devil Incarnate

if red rep should start going black over red what about angelic?  what should it change to?  can't change 1 thing without changing the other


Re: Devil Incarnate

royal pain wrote:

if red rep should start going black over red what about angelic?  what should it change to?  can't change 1 thing without changing the other

How about we don't change either =p
They've been like this for forever so I don't really see the need to change it.