Topic: how about we get rid of this retarded ass hit cap?!
i normally play mage... cause every time i go warrior and try to pk... some pos ar hacking nobody less then half my lvl comes and totally destroys me... why? cause out of my 818 max dmg i can only hit 55 - 75 cause this newb only decided he only wants 200 hp... this just seems like a lot of hard work that ppl put into their character is going to waste... It's bullshit a warrior HAS to get a crit on a character half their lvl to kill them effectively. BUT it's w/e to me.. i only go warrior to lvl.. pk sucks ass as a warrior and that's all thats fun in this game anymore so why choose to cripple myself as a warrior? and i promise the ones who do not agree with this are the newbs who don't play actively and are too lazy to lvl.