Topic: مشاهدة مباشرة تعب المشوار

Three years ago my husband, Dave, was diagnosed with Frontotemporal dementia (FTD). At first, I didn't believe it. How could someone in their 50s have this

disease? When the doctor told us it was terminal--without a cure or drugs to slow it down-I didn't hear much more. There must be ways to manage it. Somehow I

would figure it out.

Although I didn't find a booklet on '10 Simple Ways to Live with Dementia', I have found ways to thrive, despite our challenges. At the 3 year mark, Dave

continues to do well and here are 10 reasons why:

1. Attitude: From the moment the doctor gave us the news, he has never been angry or ashamed of his dementia. He doesn't waste his energy on worrying about

the future, or resisting what life is giving him. He told me about 3 weeks after his diagnosis..."I may not be able to do much about my brain dying, but I am

going to do everything I can to keep my body healthy." A positive attitude = clearer mind

2. Exercise: Every day Dave takes the dogs for a hike, after he has a run, bike ride or workout in the gym. He says it is one of the few times when he has

relief from his headaches. Dr. Amen, an expert in brain science, says that exercise is one of the best ways to keep our brains healthy. It increases blood

flow and releases endorphins--improving our mood and calming the chatter in our mind. A recent study showed that exercising will decrease the risk of

developing Alzheimer's by 35%.

3. Diet: Natural, unprocessed foods (fruits/vegetables) are low-glycemic, which maintains a steady blood sugar level--minimizing fatigue, irritability and

foggy brain. They also contain anti-oxidants which neutralize the stresses in the body. Foods high in omega 3 fats (fish, flax seed, and almonds) are

important for nourishing the brain cells. Since Dave's taste buds are changing, I am finding creative ways to fit in 5-8 fruit and vegetables a day. I cook

sweeter vegetables such as yams, carrots and corn; add fruit and flax seeds to his smoothies; and use plum sauce with fish.

4. Supplements: Dave takes high grade vitamins & minerals (Usana nutritionals) to fill the gaps in his diet and raise the level of anti-oxidants. He also

takes gingko biloba, which increases blood flow to the brain; CoQ10, a powerful anti-oxidant and energy booster; and a pharmaceutical-graded omega 3 (fish)

capsules. Dr. Amen's book 'Making a Good Brain Great' has a more extensive list.

5. Purpose in Life: Dave has a good reason for getting up in the morning. He volunteers at woodworking shows, Search and Rescue fund-raising events,

Alzheimer's Society, and is a Nordic walking leader. He has also chores around the house, which change with his abilities. I remember one night I asked him

how his day was..."Great". Why? "Because I got to wash your car."

6. Socialize: Dave loves being with people, even though he may not recognize them, or be able to carry on a fluent conversation. He is activating his memory,

problem-solving, speaking and listening areas.

7. Variety: Despite Dave's routines (watches the weather report at 7:40 and 8:00 am, runs on Monday and Friday at 8:10 am), he likes to do something new

every day-walking and biking in different areas, road trips, or helping me with shopping. Variety stimulates the plasticity switch in the brain, which wakes

up brain cells. Turning it on is simple as brushing your teeth with your opposite hand, or counting backwards from 100 by 7.

8. Sleep: Dave sleeps 11 hours at night (takes melatonin for a better quality sleep) and has a 1-2 hour nap in the day. Dave is most alert as soon as he

wakes up. Dr. Amen recommends 6-8 hours/night. Less than 6 hours causes mood instability and decreased cognitive ability.

9. Hobbies: Duck carving has been Dave's passion for over 30 years, but hand tremors are making it difficult to carve fine details. He is replacing carving

with building jigsaw puzzles. He spends hours scanning the table for pieces, using his fine motor areas to pick them up and fit them in. Sometimes we work on

it together, or play trionomos or dice games.

10. Caregiver's health & attitude-physical, emotional, mental and spiritual: Just like in an airplane emergency, I have to put my oxygen mask on before I can

help Dave. I make time to go out with friends, exercise, and meditate. When I feel sad or overwhelmed, I write in my journal. It helps to release my tears,

and reminds me of what I am gaining from this journey--patience and ability to let go of things I can't control (dementia). Energy is contagious...happier

and peaceful 'me' = easier and healthier care-giving.

If you are like me, you have started many a Sunday thinking of how you can improve the week ahead. First thing Monday morning you will wake up a little

earlier to meditate, drink warm water with lemon, practice yoga, eat a healthy breakfast, read an inspirational passage, take all the supplements and

nutritional products you have been told you need, dry brush your body prior to showering with only natural soaps and shampoos, brush your teeth for a 2 full

minutes, floss your teeth (right), apply your natural makeup (or shaving cream), walk to work or take public transit to reduce your footprint, drink several

cups of green tea and water, have a mid morning snack, get up from your desk several times in the morning to help your circulation and stay focused (and

eliminate the green tea and water), eat a healthy lunch of greens and fish, take your second round of supplements, drink more water, take a walk before going

back to work, drink more green tea and water, keep moving throughout the afternoon, have a mid afternoon snack that will give you energy, go to the gym after

work, drink more water, cook a healthy dinner, eat it at leisure while enjoying the company of your family, check in with each family member on the positive

aspects of their day, laugh and express love, decide what board game you will bond over tonight, drink more water, take your third round of supplements and

prior to going to bed early to ensure a full 8 hours of sleep, you repeat the 2 minutes of brushing, flossing and gargling, have a relaxing bath, read a

spiritually uplifting book, show gratitude and pat yourself on the back for a day well lived. Phew!

Most of us never get past the mid morning snack before giving up. "It is too overwhelming we say." "I don't have the time." "I don't have the willpower." "I

don't have the family support." "I don't have the energy." "I don't have the money." But let's face it, we know we need to do most or all of these things in

order to feel good and live a well balanced life.

مشاهدة مباشرة تعب المشوار

مشاهدة سقوط الاقنعة


Re: مشاهدة مباشرة تعب المشوار

these spams used to be somehow acceptable, now were being fucking jihad by a goddam liberal muslim. fucking terrorist take ur spam elsewhere


Re: مشاهدة مباشرة تعب المشوار

Hey Hamudi translate that topic for me!

Evil Devil - Prometherion


Re: مشاهدة مباشرة تعب المشوار

Oh my god thats what she said!


Re: مشاهدة مباشرة تعب المشوار

only the post above this 1 was made by a moron GO SWEED!!!