Speaking the truth ...
All you know is a waste of time to make updates to faldon.
This game sucks, so the Brazilians have not yet seen it.
I've never seen a game that only 1 gm (Juza) doing things. The Spy Mr never done anything to improve this game, by contrast, is corrupt and does not know the attitudes that a GM should do.
Close the serves at once and end up with everything.
Some people still buy C, and Juza and Rick do not get anything for it, the Zer dinhheiro easy wins without doing anything you want. So .... Zer still remember what is faldon?
Nao. So stop asking for new gm, create new spawn, new item. Because it is a waste of time.
I admit that this game has been good, when Brazilians were dominating tudo.I not admit it so that others want to know Brazilians to steal and disrupt others, I do not do this because I'm Awareness about everything.
So ... forget faldon vain and do other things.
List of Some games I play, and I recommend to you guys.
New Destiny (Star Destiny)
Point Blank
Need For Speed World
euro Gunz
Forced to all the faldon!
and hi to my friends ...!
Niggor ... lol oh igor; p
I must be forgetting Some, but anyway .... FALDON DIED