Topic: Faldon Advertisement Campaign Fundraiser
Long shot but about time someone tried to do something rather than the endless procrastination we've had in the past. If it's a success then we can use the funds to use Google's Adword advertisements. They have an offer where if you add £25 (roughly $50USD) then they will add £75 credit themselves. The target is $500USD, which should be enough to advertise the game for a good while.
If any GMs want to get involved with the process or if anyone has any better ideas for how to advertise then please feel free to chip in. I'm more than happy to pass on the funds to a GM at the end of the fundraiser or alter the receiving Paypal address if that would make people feel more comfortable. … mpaign-rpg
*Edit* I've made the first donation of £5 (around $10USD) to get the ball rollin'. If 49 more people donate the same amount then we've reached our target.
Last edited by Dedsox (November 19th, 2014 1:35 PM)