Topic: 2024/1/5 Update

January 5, 2024:
Have a blessed Epiphany.

Added extended click areas to make spells, skills, equipment, and quick access easier to click on.
Added simple color matrix interpolation for effects. This is most noticeable with snowflakes.
Ethereal Gate is now additive like in "desert-client". Humorously, it looks better everywhere except on desert.
Fixed a server crash with Trading.
Fixed missing hair portrait art. It's still not correct, but at least it's present.
Fixed the on-ground art for bows.
Gave rabbits an alpha channel, spiders shadows, and improved the slime art a bit.
Put in Master Wu's new PC3 art:
- candle
- lantern
- torch
You can get to Settings now before logging in.


Re: 2024/1/5 Update

I’m really excited to see all the spontaneous progress and positive vibes from you!!! Not sure if you’re still in Wads-tucky or if you also got out of the city after the population skyrocketed? or if your brother’s business (and I’m totally assuming you play a role in it?) really took off! I used to be his mailman before he bought his new house and moved out of the Falls inner neighborhood area. I still remember downloading the client on horrible dialup internet out in the township, and my parents not trusting the internet and having to let the download run while I was at school, only for it to be interrupted by my mom calling to make sure I wasn’t home playing hookie when she realized the phone line was in use… and here I am, an adult with a child and a home of my own.. Ready to do it all over again lol. Another game I’ve remained loyal to all these year is “The Kingdom of Drakkar” made by Brad Lineberger (technically the first mmorpg and first to coin the phrase MMO (and also not be credited)) - TO THIS DAY, 35 years later, the same creator is still actively working on and updating his game with a loyal fanbase. I believe part of his user base loyalty was also in part to the launcher itself for the game being an imitation of irc. I totally believe if you integrated a similar launcher with streamlined channels, chatrooms, allowing online yet idle users to still be logged in and able to chat with the users online, and potentially even implement your own internal discord voice channels, it would SKYROCKET the user base. I’ll be more active as your progress goes on! Looking forward to seeing everything and hopefully getting back into it. We (I) are(am) proud that you didn’t just ditch the entire project.

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: 2024/1/5 Update

Nope, not living in Wadsworth any more. The cult pretty much forced out everyone on Akron Road. That's all right, not neighbors I'd want anyway. They cut down "cleaned up" all the understory trees, so the creek that runs by there isn't going to have much of a hill in 50 years, erosion being part of physics and all. It looks like they built their boxes, sorry, "houses" way back (on top of? probably) where the natural spring and trillium were. *shrug* Oh well. Before I left I did find my wife, though wink She's a good woman and a blessing.

A year and a half ago we moved out of the city -- a bit east -- but we are still in Ohio. I've finally got some land -- 10 acres, 6 of which are planted in hay. I'd like to get some chickens this year, so in the next few months I need to build a chicken coop.

I wonder if I ran into you at Cuyahoga Falls. We had to leave our Akron rental -- the owner wanted to sell the house for far more than he paid for it, literally the year before I started renting. *shrug* It was quite abrupt, so John helped me out and I rented the Cuyahoga Falls house for a year before we found land.

I do work with John, yes. We're working on a new family of programmable motor drivers right now, as well as two new e-cigarette control boards. He designs and manufactures the hardware. I do the software side -- which in this case is rather varied: PC software, drivers, embedded software on said hardware, RTOS, production programmer, web systems, etc.

I've never tried Kingdom of Drakkar. I'll take a look to see what you mean.

Good to see you!

God bless.
