Topic: Parameters for Reputation Question

Hey Guys

Hoping to get some information on how Reputation (I think that's word, colors of name / title daemonic/damned/nihilistic etc) works exactly. there's a few rumors on how it works, but nothing definitive.

I think it would be fun to do some player hosted events where we fight blue team vs red team and hope to raise each others color rating and bring back some flavors of PVP.


Out of retirement... for now.


Re: Parameters for Reputation Question

It has been a while... so hopefully this is all accurate.
Reputation works by killing other players.
If you want blue, you need to kill red, etc...
The other players must:
Be on a different IP address's
On old client, you could use command "reputation" to see the number you had. It would return something like: Reputation: 723 (Good) for blue.

I think you need either at least 1000, or maybe it was 1200 reputation kills to get maxed rep title (unless 10K was) maxed.
But there are certain step points where your title changes, such as maybe 100, 250, 500, 1000... something like that.

Maybe Rob or remembers or someone else to fill in some of my holes.


Re: Parameters for Reputation Question

The way I remember it working was

you must kill 2+ different IPS not the same IP twice.
Those 2+ IPs must move up to 5 tiles

Those IPs need to be of the opposite color ( if you're repping for blue titles, you need to kill reds and viseversa.)

you basically need to create PvP to rep these days.

Last edited by xZIEGENx (August 4th, 2024 9:36 PM)
