Topic: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

The Launch editor button for the script editor does not work. Clicking it locks up the client for the most part. I would expect it to open the script in something like Notepad.


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

Interesting. It does in fact launch Notepad (well, Notepad2) for me. Does anything at all pop up in the background, by any chance? It's waiting for some process to exit.


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

When looking in task manager I do see notepad2 process started (2 of them actually), but it does not actually show the window anywhere I can see.

"C:\Program Files\Notepad2\Notepad2.exe" /z "C:\WINDOWS\system32\NOTEPAD.EXE" C:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\Script 1.txt

The Script 1.txt is also created properly.

Once I kill the Notepad2 processes the client becomes responsive again.

Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

Aha. By documentation, it should never have worked. And yet, on Windows 7, it does. What version of Windows are you running out of curiosity? Thanks for reporting this bug!


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

I am running Windows 10 here.


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

Same, and I was getting that freeze bug too. I'll try it out soon.

What are the chances we could get functional copy & paste in client? I guess the launcher would be ideal though


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

I’m running 11 and getting the same thing in the test world.


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

Didn't the September 12 patch fix this?


Re: 'Launch editor' button not working for script editor

It is fixed for me.