Topic: Spawn in mid not working

Tried on 4 characters, when you talk the dialogue doesn't come up to spawn there.

After changing my spawn point and trying again i managed to get the dialogue but its still not spawning in mid.

Not sure if other towns are affected.


Re: Spawn in mid not working

Was it always only giving you the option to resign citizenship? This could happen if you had the special "Yes (override other spawns)" option in the past. If so, I just fixed it. Let me know. Thanks!


Re: Spawn in mid not working

On *bullethead* I've now got the option to become citizen but it only affects my TP. I'm still spawning in thief town instead of mid.

I tried on my other character who normally spawns at val and he is now spawning at mid.

Previously thief town would only override spawning at val but it seems to now be overriding everything.


Re: Spawn in mid not working

Im assuming thats a bug, but if its intentional and the rules changed and now thief town will now override everything, can my pickpocket be reset to 1. I wouldn't want to raise it under those restrictions.  smile


Re: Spawn in mid not working

I think thief town was supposed to be the default spawn if your pickpocket reached a certain threshold without ability to change it to other main towns, only a guildhall or maybe house. But who knows, might be flexible now


Re: Spawn in mid not working

Threshold is at 70, but Midgard would override it. Renting a room does overwrite it too but (normally) does not change Town Portals.
Its been a bit of a weird thing and sometimes you need to go through a couple steps to get it right.

Fishburg is one of those too, if your char is 'stuck' there you need to get a house. Go to house NPC; I want to spawn here. Then go mid to overwrite spawn, then go back to house npc set i dont want to spawn here and sell the house. Now you should spawn in Midgard again. Sometimes you can do it with renting a room too.

Evil Devil - Prometherion