Topic: 2024/10/17 Update

(In case you're wondering, the hack detection does basic things like check if the network sockets functions are hooked. This is not foolproof as I suspect some firewalls do this as well. This will help me find out. It also looks for DLLs like WPE. Mostly I want to get some statistics to see what the scale of the problem really is. It doesn't do anything with the information yet. Feedback regarding this issue is appreciated.)

October 17, 2024:
*** It's been one year and a day since I started updating the game again.
*** I still have a month's more of major bugs to fix, but then it's time for improvements!
*** Thank you all!
*** God bless.
*** James
Added some very rudimentary hacking/macroing detection.
Directional lights (such as those of the forges) work correctly again.
Fixed-light-level zones work correctly again.
Fixed a crash that could happen when the game was using over 2GB of RAM.
- Thanks to Bonescythe for reporting this bug!
Implemented special tile lighting, such as rotating lights.
Items on the market no longer stop declining in price.
Made the lighting falloff closer to the old client's. It's less physically correct, but it better calls attention to light sources and is bounded. (It still doesn't raytrace.)
Monster attack and death particle systems work again.
Particle systems would only display if there was a higher Z level wall or property above their tile. As a result, many were hidden. They are now visible!
Scripts can create particle systems again.


Re: 2024/10/17 Update

It's come a long way!  It's been fun seeing it come together!

Pennywise - 7 Seconds - Fugazi - Husker Du


Re: 2024/10/17 Update

James wrote:

(In case you're wondering, the hack detection does basic things like check if the network sockets functions are hooked. This is not foolproof as I suspect some firewalls do this as well. This will help me find out. It also looks for DLLs like WPE. Mostly I want to get some statistics to see what the scale of the problem really is. It doesn't do anything with the information yet. Feedback regarding this issue is appreciated.)

October 17, 2024:
*** It's been one year and a day since I started updating the game again.
*** I still have a month's more of major bugs to fix, but then it's time for improvements!
*** Thank you all!
*** God bless.
*** James
Added some very rudimentary hacking/macroing detection.
Directional lights (such as those of the forges) work correctly again.
Fixed-light-level zones work correctly again.
Fixed a crash that could happen when the game was using over 2GB of RAM.
- Thanks to Bonescythe for reporting this bug!
Implemented special tile lighting, such as rotating lights.
Items on the market no longer stop declining in price.
Made the lighting falloff closer to the old client's. It's less physically correct, but it better calls attention to light sources and is bounded. (It still doesn't raytrace.)
Monster attack and death particle systems work again.
Particle systems would only display if there was a higher Z level wall or property above their tile. As a result, many were hidden. They are now visible!
Scripts can create particle systems again.

Thank you for your time and dedication to bringing this back. Faldon carries such a special place in all of us. I appreciate how open you've been to ideas from the community. I know it's not easy doing that at times but it makes it even more special having small part in it. Most of us are all grown with families now and i know what its like trying to dedicate time to your family first then this. The community can be tough sometimes but i have no doubt there's not one person that isnt happy about having you back and working on faldon. Job well done i honestly cant wait to see where this goes.



Re: 2024/10/17 Update

Well done! Huzzah! big_smile
I recently stumbled upon a list of bugs from a while back when the new client was launched. I'd say 90% of the bugs are all fixed now. It was pretty satisfying to delete line after line. What remained was mostly not even bugs, but just feature requests, or less than optimal game-play experience things.