Topic: 2024/12/23 Update

December 23, 2024:
Have a blessed Christmas!

Added seasons (client-side).
Added Master Wu's winter art pack and 4K snowflakes.
Defense now shows its increases of Armor Rating. It did increase it before, but the client did not show it.
- Thanks to Mechanic for reporting this bug!
Quantities are no longer shown for locked down items.
- Thanks to Mr Spy for this suggestion!
The chat text now stops accepting characters at 240. Previously it would accept any number of characters and then truncate on send.

Winter tiles will show up starting Christmas Eve.

Known bugs:
Fixed December 24. For static (non-animating) art, seasonal art only changes at login or on map change.
TabPages' contents can't center horizontally.
Tab stops (for keyboard Tab key) don't go between container controls.


Re: 2024/12/23 Update

Winter tiles are looking sweet. Though I had to relog to get them to work properly. When switching maps it only switched some tiles and left others alone.


Re: 2024/12/23 Update

Winter tiles are great! Nice touch, good work!

Out of retirement... for now.


Re: 2024/12/23 Update

I'm noticing an odd client sided memory leak since the snow addition, after 4-5 hours logged in the client becomes sluggish, certain animations choppy and actions delayed. I'm not sure if that its caused by the snow, not sure how long that will persist after Christmas, but maybe on the next update you could give us a server reboot and we can try it again without the winter tiles?

Out of retirement... for now.