Topic: Faldon Block Chain

I am loving most of the high quality improvements, I do want to point out that the "tiles" are an issue. I think there could be a command embedded to highlight tiles. In this case, it is just default and It should be fixed.

Discord Destroys links over time, so for now, this is what I am talking about:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ … a636d&

You can clearly see tiles, the trees look square on the bottom because of this.
I am not trying to blame fault, but I think this can be fixed on probably both sides. Even if some overhang is allowed between tiles.

Things look great, maybe some quality of life improvements, and better UI for players. I still truly believe the old faldon client UI was superior in terms of skills for sure, and arguably all the other ones. And I get it was made a long time ago.

Happy New Year to anyone that is reading. I hope everyone had a good Christmas and/or Holiday season.


Re: Faldon Block Chain

Not able to access the link

I thought it looked like the draw ordering was messed up on the snow variant trees as well. I'd say it looks like the floor tiles in front of the trees are drawing over the top of the tree (wall) tiles. Making the tree look cut off on the bottom.

The weather variant of walls/floor is new, I suspect maybe it's jumbling the correct stacking order? Not sure how that works, it's a draw code thing.

Another issue is the snow tiles don't have proper alpha compositing and you can see a slight grid. I'd like to fix that.

There is also some weird clipping going on with 2nd layer walls, like when there is a bookshelf or something painted over a wall. I kinda remember these looking better in the old client, and not so abruptly cut off.