Topic: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

okok i just get laffed at for say it so dont matter



Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

*Deletes his post and grovels for forgiveness*

~ // u 6 6 | E 5 ~

"What do you mean im wrong, i Muggles i can be wrong"


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

So, Oblivion Maker is katepink's alternate ego, right?  The name she uses when she wants to say something but doesn't want people to think she's a chump (even though she blew her chances on that with her cyberwhoring).


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

*Deletes his post and grovels for forgiveness*

~ // u 6 6 | E 5 ~

"What do you mean im wrong, i Muggles i can be wrong"


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

*Deletes his post and grovels for forgiveness*

~ // u 6 6 | E 5 ~

"What do you mean im wrong, i Muggles i can be wrong"


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

Well first of all mumblee, she never sold anything, other than a £3 pair of CLEAN socks,
Then there was a simple picture that she sold, what the fuck should that matter she was covered up.
Thats a fucking rich word isn't it?
Some moderator you are, surely a moderators role would be to be inpartail and not singling people out. Not start giving them crap over something that isn't even true or justified.

In other words take the the step down from your "moral high ground", who teh fuck are you to judge her?

I'm Roachies


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

grovels are exsecteped lol hehe



Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

Morality is determined by culture and religion. Nudity isnt obscene in some cultures (Ancient Roman and Greek) they celebrated the form and shape of a finely fit body. Then again japanese people have a celebration for the penis and fertility and do not allow the media in the country to show pubic hair. Making any judgements about a person's behavior and activities, isn't moral. It's however moral based on your culture's mores


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

Lol stupid idiot theres a women avatar and it says *deletes HIS post and grovels for forgiveness* you stupid B1***

Yep I own joo smile


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

grovels are exsecteped lol hehe

Why do you have the vocabulary level of a rock? Learn to spell, jesus.


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

Because she has dyslexia, learn to tolerate other human beings.

I'm Roachies


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

Not to be mean, but that is not dyslexia. That
is ignorance. Kate where are you from? I'm
guessing outside the U.S.


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

where ignorance is indigenous


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

Not to be mean, but that is not dyslexia. That
is ignorance. Kate where are you from? I'm
guessing outside the U.S.

What are you talking about? Do you even know what dyslexia is? because it certainly doesn't seem that way from this comment.
She lives in the United Kingdom, and i know her in real life.
She is not ignorant, she has dyslexia, her spoken English is probably better than most, she is perfectly intelligent and knowledgable of the subjects she studies or takes interest in.

I suppose you think mocking someone because of their disability is "quite alright" because you put "not to be mean"?

I'm Roachies


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time



Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

all the brits together w00t


Re: dosent matter sorry for wasting time

I really have to agree with Roach on this one.