Re: Never-ending trivia

Q: Despite the fact that it takes hundreds of hours and trainging to do this job correctly, 60% of American men believe they could do this without any training at all. What is it?

FLy a commercial airliner, sorry i was abit late with the answer  big_smile

Perhaps that's what happened on 9.11? The guys were just being cocky and trying to show off? All this Al-queda shit is just neo-con propagnda. 

I'm Roachies


Re: Never-ending trivia

Son of Excalibur.

Sorry, wrong answer, dumbshit! The answer is Caladbolg.

Ich komme aus einum dunklen Platz zwischen dem Haus und Wirklichkiet, und ich bin ein psychischer Schertfechter, der Katzchen mit katanas und Telekinese ermordet.