Topic: Israel, right or wrong?

I'll start by saying, i dont believe Israel should have their country. Now they lost their land hundreds of years ago to Babylonians, Persians, Arab Empires, and even the Romans. Now they came back from some of these invasions but eventually lost out. The Arabs fought Christian Knights during the crusades for control of this area, and they won. My Question is, when the allies were dividing up the world why didnt Israel get a piece of Germany, they had no right to this land. At this point when the land was divided the maps were drawn. Israel has already crossed these borders. They degrade and hummiliate the Palestinians daily, spiting in their faces at checkpoints, then shooting their superior weaponry into civillian areas. (Reports have indicated Israel has produced between 100-200 nuclear weapons) The Israels were invaded by all the middle eastern nations, including Egypt at once. They were victorious and took more land, France cut off all ties with them at this point. Israel gave back the weaponry to france, then the Americans (IT had to be the Americans) armed them with a huge arsenal, that defeated the Arabs again. No wonder their so angry! What are everyones thoughts on this?


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

I've often heard that most of the dislike/hatred towards the US from European and Arabic countries stems from our support of Israel.  I don't know what to say about it.  To be honest, it belonged to the Jews long before Islam even existed.  The Arabs took it over by force, and the Israelies are getting it back by force.  Tit-for-tat.

Also, why would they have gotten Germany?  At least you can argue the point that they had right to Jeruselem, it's not like part of Germany was their homeland and they were expelled from it.

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Re: Israel, right or wrong?

I think we should stop any support in that area. We do not
need to be in middle of their religious war. Religious wars
do not end, and it is just not worth it.


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

True Religious wars never end. And they should have gotten a piece of Germany, because they lost their country thousands of years ago. Why should the muslims lose their land when they didnt lose a war, Germany did and should have been punished more severely. Israel and Islam are around the same time period. The Jews suffered. But tthroughout time everything has been given to them, Persians gave them their land back, So did The Allies, (It wasnt their land anymore). Israel lost their rights in the area along time ago, they didnt fight for the area, it was given to them and now their fighting to hold onto it. They have commited so many atrocities its not funny, Lebanon borders are permanently closed, Israel only just withdrew Their troops. even Egypt lost a large portion of Land (The first Empire the world had ever seen lost land they deserved).. Israel needs to give what is not their back, just because they invented the first one god religion doesnt make them right... And by supporting Israel you show support against Islam, because it has become the new holy war.


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

Spoken like a true fanatic.  You Muslim?

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Re: Israel, right or wrong?

i knew someone was going to ask that, nope. Im Roman Catholic.


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

Catholic? thats worse.. =p

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Re: Israel, right or wrong?

I fail to see where the U.S. can justify giving back the Jewish people their "homeland" while at the same time just emerged from raping and defiling the Native Americans homeland whilst at the same time moving them to barren wastelands so they wouldn't get in the way. It almost seems hypocritical.

But lets not think about that stuff since this is America and our economy is perfect and we know what true freedom and happiness is which is why we must force everybody to conform to our ways.  roll

"We are a mass of seething fury, elected as your judge and jury. You stand accused of murder, vanity, and evil crimes against humanity."-Andy Martin


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

Thats pretty much how the rest of the world see's America!


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

It comes down to Money and Power. America has money, They have Power and their influence is enormous. Thats why when America goes to war countries follow. Its not about helping people, its money.


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

As ever i agree with Gothic and i also agree with Shane for the most part.

The Jews couldn't remain in Germany, there had been too much bigotry against them stirred up by the Nazi party. This would have continued even after the Nazi's were defeated. It had become of many Germans belief that Jews were lesser than the average German. If they remained there, they would probably face further persecution.
The allies couldn't get away with simply leaving the jews to their demise after the nazi's had been defeated. They faced a dilemma, they could either aid them in their invasion of former Palenstine or support them in staying in America in or other European countries. They chose to take land that did not belong to them, and the Palenstians are paying the price today.
Though it would have not been a popular decision at the time, the more humain decision for all concerned would have been to integrate the Jews into the allies countries.

I'm Roachies


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

Good point! Hitler however enforced his beliefs with an iron fist. After his soldiers were defeated, Germany in ruins... Germany losing land already, and all their colonies... I still cant believe some more planning and thought went into the situating of A jewish states, i guess thats why they teach history, so we dont make the same mistakes again!


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

err wasnt it Britian that gave Israel back there homeland?

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
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Re: Israel, right or wrong?

I think the allies all did after the war, they drew the new world map... Then france gave Israel weapons to defend themselves. Israel turned defender into attacker, then France cut diplomatic ties with them. And guess who armed them to the teeth the second time? America, armed them with so many weapons it wasnt funny... Oh well, shit happens


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

And if the US wouldnt have armed them, Israel would cease to exist.

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

Okay the only reason America armed Israel was to stop the Soviet union, who had armed the middle east. Even though the Arabs defeated the Soviet union... With Saudi Arabian funding, America trained the Mujihideen.(Which later became the Taliban), the destruction of Israel wouldnt be the first time, its happened four or five times in history.. If it had been some other religion than Jewdism, then no one would have stopped other nations troubles... Now Israel has over 140 nuclear weapons, how can this be healthy for the world? Imagine if another country came to your back door and said you have to move elsewhere, this land was inhabited by our ancestors a thousand years ago (This is not a reference to aboriginals, they actually inhabited the land at time of Colonisation.) And being removed from your land, by force with heavily armed soldiers would be humiliating.  At the moment, Palestinians have no army, no nuclear weapons, they fight the only way they can, with terroism. Right or wrong their methods are un-orthodox, but this is the new age of warfare and terroism is the fastest growing phenomina. I assure you if you were spat on, strip searched harrased by your boss for being late, All because of Israeli security checkpoints you too would probally fight for your very existence. Israel has already crossed the borders, and continues to expand into Palestinian teritory. Jewish settlers have built into Palestine and their checkpoints move foward with each expansion. Palestinians work for bare minimum wage in Israeli factories to support their families, Poverty is wide spread. Israel destroyed Lebanons, Palestines economies when they invaded. They have no choice but to try and survive, they live for today because tommorow is uncertain, the future is today and their very existence hangs in the balance. So next time you see a terroist attack in Israel think of the causes, dont just cast jugement on a situation. Cia operatives launch raid in Colombia attempting to vanquish the drug trade. What right does your nation have to use "Terroism" on foreign soil, when the Cia attacks these poor people they kill everyone. In Afghanistan American soldiers destroy 5-10% of a poppy field, not 100% of a field. You know why? So the Afghan farmer doesnt get too rich. So dont try and justify the Cia's attacks in Columbia under the flag of fighting the war on drugs, otherwise the Afghan fields would all be destroyed.


Re: Israel, right or wrong?

ok, about the nuclear weapons US is no better at all. remember WW2??? hiroshima and nagasaki still has radiation from those bombs so dont be tlakin about israel wen it cums to nuclear weapons

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