The penis is a member of the male body but sometimes in rare occasions women will also grow a penis. What I am unsure of is if some also have a vagina. In which case they could literally impregnate themselves... If they also get the male prostate gland and that shit they could produce usable semen in which case if they also have the woman's plumbing they could theoretically impregnate themselves. In which case there nipples would also lactate.
Now the fact is women seem more flexible than guys. So when a woman is born with a penis can they give themselves head? Imagine sucking off a shemale... that would be fucked up... but are you gay? Hard to tell, after all she was born and raised as a girl... but she has a penis.
Ah... the greater questions of life... on a sidenote, it seems highly unlikely to me, that even if something as unlikely and anomalous as a hermaphrodite were to exist with an actual properly shaped female and male reproductive organ, that it'd have all the other required internals functional too. As for such an absurd case where it did happen.. I wonder how chromosomes would work?
Something like a hermaphrodite doesnt seem to me like something that could possibly be caused by hormonal or chromosomal problems... since both organs come from essentially the same origin... so it'd be more like having an extra one of them, which would make it a mutation. In such a case perhaps it would be possible to impregnate oneself though I reckon the DNA of the person would still be male or female. Totally apart from the obvious problem of getting dysfunctional offspring with recessive gene pars and all kinds of nasty stuff, I wonder if it might also give a problem with regards to the chromosomes... though I guess if the subject is a femal then the only thing itd mean is that shes only able of producing female offpsring on her own... if it were a male though, thered be like a 25% for a female, a 50% chance for a male, and a 25% for something you probably dont wanna think about, lol... maybe something ape-like and extremely well-hung, but I doubt itd be that pleasant/simple.
Ah well, I really oughta have better things to do then discuss such nonsencial and obviously impossible things at 3.30 AM when I could go crawl into my bed. =p
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