I have just salvaged my old HD. It has quite a nice amount of desert client screenshots.
If anyone is interested in seeing them, perhaps Ill bother mass-exporting them to jpeg and placing them online.
Got lots of SS'es with Shad and with Brian, yay. Also a screenshot showing Niko hailing me as Crovmon, which is the direct cause for my adapting Crovmon as an alternate name when Crovax is taken. And one of me Justice, talking some... Also a few showing my English/typing was actually pretty pathetic when I was 14. ^_^
(Amazingly I found no viruses on the HD, though I had run that system for 3,5 years without a virusscan as a teenager, and it was the first PC I ever used to access the internet with)
"We must face the fact that the preservation of individual freedom is incompatible with a full satisfaction of our views of distributive justice."