Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

And who would do that?


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:
GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:
Judy wrote:

Well .. Lets start here.. "What about when they completely banned my account?" That is comparing .. You did not just stat that you're account had been banned, no you question marked it and compared, seeing as Gothic wrote he had never seen any GM's take as much action etc.
I'm sorry to point out you're ignorance and lack of intelligence.
I also apoligize if my previous post made you resentful, but in the future I would love to see you write a post that is relative to the subject. Because I really don't see what you're trying to prove with this spamming? What is you're intention? Don't you have anything more important to do then adding to you're pixelled post? You're pathetic and conceited to think I will waste more time on you.
Have a nice day.

You were fully banned, correct?

So was I... So it's the same thing regardless of the fact that I hadn't wasted as much of my life on the game as you have.

Quit being bitter that you got banned. Good day.

- Where in my post do you see me write im banned? Nowhere .. Guest freak, everyone is entitled to be stupid, but why are you abusing the privilege?
Please read the post before comming with you're point of view.

- And to the fact of who played the longest time.. Please check you're forum info.. Oct the 5th, 2004.. Once again, please do you're research another time, you oafish arrogant bastard.

Wow, I registered before you. That doesn't mean I've played this game as much as you have. Idiot.

However you are correct. You never said you got banned However with what happened to you, you may as well have. I never read your original post because I honestly don't give a fuck what you have to say or what happens to you.
Eat shit and die.

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:
Judy wrote:
GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:

You were fully banned, correct?

So was I... So it's the same thing regardless of the fact that I hadn't wasted as much of my life on the game as you have.

Quit being bitter that you got banned. Good day.

- Where in my post do you see me write im banned? Nowhere .. Guest freak, everyone is entitled to be stupid, but why are you abusing the privilege?
Please read the post before comming with you're point of view.

- And to the fact of who played the longest time.. Please check you're forum info.. Oct the 5th, 2004.. Once again, please do you're research another time, you oafish arrogant bastard.

Wow, I registered before you. That doesn't mean I've played this game as much as you have. Idiot.

However you are correct. You never said you got banned However with what happened to you, you may as well have. I never read your original post because I honestly don't give a fuck what you have to say or what happens to you.
Eat shit and die.

Rwar, if that didn't show what a meaningless and sad life you have, I dont know what would wink
Seriously using days argueing on a forum without even reading the original post? What a pointless life. I really have to clap, you really managed to surpass me favourably, *clap* *clap*, very impressing.
And yeah, I guess you're right, you simply searched the internet for a RPG forum to argue with people without playing the game? I hope you're being sarcastic or else im really stunned, simply stunned.. I don't know what else to write then stunned.. Seriously, if it helps, give me you're adress and I'll send you 5$, hopefully you're able to buy yourself a life.
And by you not caring about me? You sure did prove that, by posting like 40% of the post in this topic..
You get smarter & smarter for each message you submit, hopefully you will pass an IQ on 85 when you reach the 100.000 posted messages. Keep up the good work.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Last post: February 22nd, 2007 7:25 AM




Destroyer of Worlds


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:
GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:
Judy wrote:

- Where in my post do you see me write im banned? Nowhere .. Guest freak, everyone is entitled to be stupid, but why are you abusing the privilege?
Please read the post before comming with you're point of view.

- And to the fact of who played the longest time.. Please check you're forum info.. Oct the 5th, 2004.. Once again, please do you're research another time, you oafish arrogant bastard.

Wow, I registered before you. That doesn't mean I've played this game as much as you have. Idiot.

However you are correct. You never said you got banned However with what happened to you, you may as well have. I never read your original post because I honestly don't give a fuck what you have to say or what happens to you.
Eat shit and die.

Rwar, if that didn't show what a meaningless and sad life you have, I dont know what would wink
Seriously using days argueing on a forum without even reading the original post? What a pointless life. I really have to clap, you really managed to surpass me favourably, *clap* *clap*, very impressing.
And yeah, I guess you're right, you simply searched the internet for a RPG forum to argue with people without playing the game? I hope you're being sarcastic or else im really stunned, simply stunned.. I don't know what else to write then stunned.. Seriously, if it helps, give me you're adress and I'll send you 5$, hopefully you're able to buy yourself a life.
And by you not caring about me? You sure did prove that, by posting like 40% of the post in this topic..
You get smarter & smarter for each message you submit, hopefully you will pass an IQ on 85 when you reach the 100.000 posted messages. Keep up the good work.

No, you fucking idiot. I used to play faldon. Also, my IQ is substantially higher than 85. It's 84...

I argue just for the fun of it.

I don't actually hate anyone but Sally Strathers. <3

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.


BTW...1st rule of Faldon is...You don't trust anyone in Faldon....2nd rule of Faldon is...YOU DON'T TRUST ANYONE IN FALDON !!!

I'm opening up a shop that sells 13" rulers just so Fireborn stops complaining.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Oh my god..
No GM's even replied on my post yet .. I mean, even JESUS replied.. What do you have to do to get a reply these days .. hmm


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:

Oh my god..
No GM's even replied on my post yet .. I mean, even JESUS replied.. What do you have to do to get a reply these days .. hmm

Anal sex to Paula?

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:

Oh my god..
No GM's even replied on my post yet .. I mean, even JESUS replied.. What do you have to do to get a reply these days .. hmm

No gms replied because quite frankly
1: You arent going to turn around what happened, you dug your own grave.
2: They don't give a shit what you think about the punishment you received
3: 99% of the time you are a bullshit artist.
4: GMs arent active enough to be checking these forums
5: refer to #3
6: You should be happy you werent permenantly banned.

I heard you didnt even lose all your items... and you were trying to sell me a col/hcape the week this had happened, claiming it was your friends.
IMO: You deserve much worse for all the things you've done aside from just this. You're lucky I'm not a GM.
Dont bother replying with your bullshit racism either because it doesn't support the argument and only further proves your lack of evidence that you didn't deserve your punishment

Last edited by JuZa (April 19th, 2008 11:13 AM)



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

JuZa wrote:

No gms replied because quite frankly
1: You arent going to turn around what happened, you dug your own grave.
2: They don't give a shit what you think about the punishment you received
3: 99% of the time you are a bullshit artist.
4: GMs arent active enough to be checking these forums
5: refer to #3
6: You should be happy you werent permenantly banned.

I heard you didnt even lose all your items... and you were trying to sell me a col/hcape the week this had happened, claiming it was your friends.
IMO: You deserve much worse for all the things you've done aside from just this. You're lucky I'm not a GM.
Dont bother replying with your bullshit racism either because it doesn't support the argument and only further proves your lack of evidence that you didn't deserve your punishment

First of all, I was trying to help sell items for a freind(Blood Mage.) and this was 1 month ago, atleast. Not a week ago.
Luckily you're not a GM, so I dont really care about you're opinion, this topic was for GM's not oafish people.
You wasting time on this topic, bothering posting, shows you're lack of self-esteem, hoping to get a fight on a forum which you later on can hope to win to increase you're self-esteem.
Anyway I understand that you want my attention, and that your plan is for me to spend the next fifteen minutes in a stupid argument with you. I won't play that game, but I won't just abandon you. I'll give you some attention, since that's what you're after, but it won't be any fun.
It will be horribly, excruciatingly, boring.

Last edited by Judy (April 19th, 2008 5:35 PM)


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

LOL now judy has a degree in psychology
and if you wanted a GMs opinion why post here instead of just messesaging kief, aaron or whoever on msn?
last time i checked i can post where ever I want, so if you didn't care about people's opinions dont post here
And i lack self esteem? You must if you tell people that you're a girl to get items in an online game, and then something like this happens and you make this topic in search of pity from a GM.
If i lacked self esteem I'd allow you to bother me, instead of me sitting here laughing at you because you always think you're right.
And if I wanted your attention I guess I would just tell you I would give you items out of pity like you got some people to do, even though you weren't completly cleaned out by aaron.
And you're absolutely right you won't sit here and "argue" because you have no argument.

Last edited by JuZa (April 20th, 2008 3:46 AM)



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

JuZa wrote:

LOL now judy has a degree in psychology
and if you wanted a GMs opinion why post here instead of just messesaging kief, aaron or whoever on msn?
last time i checked i can post where ever I want, so if you didn't care about people's opinions dont post here
And i lack self esteem? You must if you tell people that you're a girl to get items in an online game, and then something like this happens and you make this topic in search of pity from a GM.
If i lacked self esteem I'd allow you to bother me, instead of me sitting here laughing at you because you always think you're right.
And if I wanted your attention I guess I would just tell you I would give you items out of pity like you got some people to do, even though you weren't completly cleaned out by aaron.
And you're absolutely right you won't sit here and "argue" because you have no argument.

No I dont, Not yet atleast. Actually now that you're showing curiousity I can tell you that im expecting to get my psychology degree in about 11 months, so that's good news for me.
The class itself is very difficult, theres alot the teacher expects from you, also makes it alittle more difficult when 15 different teachers expects you to give yourself 100% on their class.. That's abit harsh in the end.
Anyway in the future try to control you're anger, It's really easy to tell that you're getting angry because you're starting to throw out "YOU" statements all over the place. "YOU" statements are very accusatory in nature. "YOU are..blah blah.." "You did..blah blah.." "You said..blah blah.." It signals to the other person that a criticism is coming their way and they get on the defensive, just like if someone bladed their stance and put up their fists for a fight. If you're one the kind that can't see mistakes done by yourself, feel free to search the forum, there are a lot of angry "YOU" statements being tossed around.
Anyway, I'm not going to fight you back, I'll educate you instead.

Why are attacking me like this without any reason? It's unnecessary and hurtful.

Myself, I've found it to work better if I tell you how you're words makes me feel. The theory behind this is that it offers no target for you to strike at, It makes you consciously aware that you're words are hurting me, and I'm assuming it will make you feel sorry or guilty (assuming you do not have socipathic behavior) for what you have said.
Because If I offer no resistance to you're attack and instead use you're attack to educate you, then it's not backing down, or submitting to you, but rather it is empowering me with taking control and it is educating you as what not to do.

Before I end this post, I would like to inform you that I've tried to get in contact with GM's but without luck. This post was just another option to TRY to get in contact with a GM.
ps. You claim I always think I'm right? Please go more thoroughly into you're statement, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. How can you state this without knowing me?


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

LOL if i was attacking you; you wouldnt defend yourself whether it was online or in real life, thats why you say "ninjas" (i wont say what you say) jumped you and so on and so forth, this is far from an attack but better yet an attempt for you to realise that nothing will ever be done about what happened to you.
And the fact that you always think you're right comes from damn near everything you type. You think that what you did sending those messages was right because of the person who tried to scam you, when inreality, get over it, use your head or get scammed, it has always been that way and I can confirm so because I've seen it happening since last client; anyway back to the story; your ignorant racist remarks about black people are an assumption of an entire race therefore you assume all these stereotypical things are true to only black people when every race has people that behave like "niggers" and by niggers I don't mean black.
And as far as educating me, there is nothing you can do to educate me, if I even wanted further education I would have accepted the free scholarship to any school in massachusetts I got from my high school grades. Say what you want about my decision, it does not matter to me.
And as far as your feelings, I could give a damn. All I care about is my close friends and family, "online" buddies and such are disposable because most people online only want to be your friend for something in particular, but I guess you would know about that eh?
Say what you will but remember there is a difference between opinion and fact, and the fact of the matter is, you got GM robbed in faldon for something that you shouldn't have done. If you got scammed; you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you.



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

P.S. You, you, you, YOU, you , you, you, you
immature right? you bet and I'm laughing right now as I'm typing.



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:
JuZa wrote:

LOL now judy has a degree in psychology
and if you wanted a GMs opinion why post here instead of just messesaging kief, aaron or whoever on msn?
last time i checked i can post where ever I want, so if you didn't care about people's opinions dont post here
And i lack self esteem? You must if you tell people that you're a girl to get items in an online game, and then something like this happens and you make this topic in search of pity from a GM.
If i lacked self esteem I'd allow you to bother me, instead of me sitting here laughing at you because you always think you're right.
And if I wanted your attention I guess I would just tell you I would give you items out of pity like you got some people to do, even though you weren't completly cleaned out by aaron.
And you're absolutely right you won't sit here and "argue" because you have no argument.

No I dont, Not yet atleast. Actually now that you're showing curiousity I can tell you that im expecting to get my psychology degree in about 11 months, so that's good news for me.
The class itself is very difficult, theres alot the teacher expects from you, also makes it alittle more difficult when 15 different teachers expects you to give yourself 100% on their class.. That's abit harsh in the end.
Anyway in the future try to control you're anger, It's really easy to tell that you're getting angry because you're starting to throw out "YOU" statements all over the place. "YOU" statements are very accusatory in nature. "YOU are..blah blah.." "You did..blah blah.." "You said..blah blah.." It signals to the other person that a criticism is coming their way and they get on the defensive, just like if someone bladed their stance and put up their fists for a fight. If you're one the kind that can't see mistakes done by yourself, feel free to search the forum, there are a lot of angry "YOU" statements being tossed around.
Anyway, I'm not going to fight you back, I'll educate you instead.

Why are attacking me like this without any reason? It's unnecessary and hurtful.

Myself, I've found it to work better if I tell you how you're words makes me feel. The theory behind this is that it offers no target for you to strike at, It makes you consciously aware that you're words are hurting me, and I'm assuming it will make you feel sorry or guilty (assuming you do not have socipathic behavior) for what you have said.
Because If I offer no resistance to you're attack and instead use you're attack to educate you, then it's not backing down, or submitting to you, but rather it is empowering me with taking control and it is educating you as what not to do.

Before I end this post, I would like to inform you that I've tried to get in contact with GM's but without luck. This post was just another option to TRY to get in contact with a GM.
ps. You claim I always think I'm right? Please go more thoroughly into you're statement, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. How can you state this without knowing me?

Yeah, sitting there pretending you know what people are thinking is HARD

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:
JuZa wrote:

LOL now judy has a degree in psychology
and if you wanted a GMs opinion why post here instead of just messesaging kief, aaron or whoever on msn?
last time i checked i can post where ever I want, so if you didn't care about people's opinions dont post here
And i lack self esteem? You must if you tell people that you're a girl to get items in an online game, and then something like this happens and you make this topic in search of pity from a GM.
If i lacked self esteem I'd allow you to bother me, instead of me sitting here laughing at you because you always think you're right.
And if I wanted your attention I guess I would just tell you I would give you items out of pity like you got some people to do, even though you weren't completly cleaned out by aaron.
And you're absolutely right you won't sit here and "argue" because you have no argument.

No I dont, Not yet atleast. Actually now that you're showing curiousity I can tell you that im expecting to get my psychology degree in about 11 months, so that's good news for me.
The class itself is very difficult, theres alot the teacher expects from you, also makes it alittle more difficult when 15 different teachers expects you to give yourself 100% on their class.. That's abit harsh in the end.
Anyway in the future try to control you're anger, It's really easy to tell that you're getting angry because you're starting to throw out "YOU" statements all over the place. "YOU" statements are very accusatory in nature. "YOU are..blah blah.." "You did..blah blah.." "You said..blah blah.." It signals to the other person that a criticism is coming their way and they get on the defensive, just like if someone bladed their stance and put up their fists for a fight. If you're one the kind that can't see mistakes done by yourself, feel free to search the forum, there are a lot of angry "YOU" statements being tossed around.
Anyway, I'm not going to fight you back, I'll educate you instead.

Why are attacking me like this without any reason? It's unnecessary and hurtful.

Myself, I've found it to work better if I tell you how you're words makes me feel. The theory behind this is that it offers no target for you to strike at, It makes you consciously aware that you're words are hurting me, and I'm assuming it will make you feel sorry or guilty (assuming you do not have socipathic behavior) for what you have said.
Because If I offer no resistance to you're attack and instead use you're attack to educate you, then it's not backing down, or submitting to you, but rather it is empowering me with taking control and it is educating you as what not to do.

Before I end this post, I would like to inform you that I've tried to get in contact with GM's but without luck. This post was just another option to TRY to get in contact with a GM.
ps. You claim I always think I'm right? Please go more thoroughly into you're statement, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. How can you state this without knowing me?


Do idiots like this play Faldon now?

Well obviously they must be idiots if they are still playing the game.

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

JuZa wrote:

LOL if i was attacking you; you wouldnt defend yourself whether it was online or in real life, thats why you say "ninjas" (i wont say what you say) jumped you and so on and so forth, this is far from an attack but better yet an attempt for you to realise that nothing will ever be done about what happened to you.
And the fact that you always think you're right comes from damn near everything you type. You think that what you did sending those messages was right because of the person who tried to scam you, when inreality, get over it, use your head or get scammed, it has always been that way and I can confirm so because I've seen it happening since last client; anyway back to the story; your ignorant racist remarks about black people are an assumption of an entire race therefore you assume all these stereotypical things are true to only black people when every race has people that behave like "niggers" and by niggers I don't mean black.
And as far as educating me, there is nothing you can do to educate me, if I even wanted further education I would have accepted the free scholarship to any school in massachusetts I got from my high school grades. Say what you want about my decision, it does not matter to me.
And as far as your feelings, I could give a damn. All I care about is my close friends and family, "online" buddies and such are disposable because most people online only want to be your friend for something in particular, but I guess you would know about that eh?
Say what you will but remember there is a difference between opinion and fact, and the fact of the matter is, you got GM robbed in faldon for something that you shouldn't have done. If you got scammed; you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you.

- If u were attacking me, I wouldn't defend myself online nor IRL? What a sad attempt on trying to act tought on the internet. Succesfully failed, congratz.
- Yes, there is positivily a chance for nothing will be done, but so far there is being discussed whether to give or not to give back my religion spells, which is a progress itself. So once again, please do not speak loudly about facts you do not know about.
- About me thinking I'm right... You argueed that pretty bad.. Come on, I know you can do better, are you even trying?
- The only mistake I did was getting caught, and you being able to confirm you're state on the remark that you've been playing since last client, shows a fact of you're life.
- About me being racist? What is this about? I hope you have some serious proof before accusing anyone for being a racist. I can assure you, I am not a racist.
- As far as the education goes, it was merely an attempt to teach you about feelings among living people. I can guess, it's been along time since you last spoke to anyone, am I right? Yes.
- Most freinds only want to be you're freind to get something in particular, indeed they do. Why do you think I never told people what I had? Everyone wants to be you're "freind" once they know you got multiple skullblade or multiple mrobes, or 4.5mil GP etc.
So yes I do know about this. As far for you're undertoned message, I have not used "freindships" that way. Please deepen you're statement.
- "you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you" Lol *clap clap* What do you think I got GM robbed/skill reset/spell reset for? If you're not going to try, I'm not going to bother argueing with you.

JuZa wrote:

P.S. You, you, you, YOU, you , you, you, you
immature right? you bet and I'm laughing right now as I'm typing.

- Yes very. Point proven. Thank you.

GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:

Yeah, sitting there pretending you know what people are thinking is HARD

- Eh? Back to nursery?

Veega wrote:
Judy wrote:
JuZa wrote:

LOL now judy has a degree in psychology
and if you wanted a GMs opinion why post here instead of just messesaging kief, aaron or whoever on msn?
last time i checked i can post where ever I want, so if you didn't care about people's opinions dont post here
And i lack self esteem? You must if you tell people that you're a girl to get items in an online game, and then something like this happens and you make this topic in search of pity from a GM.
If i lacked self esteem I'd allow you to bother me, instead of me sitting here laughing at you because you always think you're right.
And if I wanted your attention I guess I would just tell you I would give you items out of pity like you got some people to do, even though you weren't completly cleaned out by aaron.
And you're absolutely right you won't sit here and "argue" because you have no argument.

No I dont, Not yet atleast. Actually now that you're showing curiousity I can tell you that im expecting to get my psychology degree in about 11 months, so that's good news for me.
The class itself is very difficult, theres alot the teacher expects from you, also makes it alittle more difficult when 15 different teachers expects you to give yourself 100% on their class.. That's abit harsh in the end.
Anyway in the future try to control you're anger, It's really easy to tell that you're getting angry because you're starting to throw out "YOU" statements all over the place. "YOU" statements are very accusatory in nature. "YOU are..blah blah.." "You did..blah blah.." "You said..blah blah.." It signals to the other person that a criticism is coming their way and they get on the defensive, just like if someone bladed their stance and put up their fists for a fight. If you're one the kind that can't see mistakes done by yourself, feel free to search the forum, there are a lot of angry "YOU" statements being tossed around.
Anyway, I'm not going to fight you back, I'll educate you instead.

Why are attacking me like this without any reason? It's unnecessary and hurtful.

Myself, I've found it to work better if I tell you how you're words makes me feel. The theory behind this is that it offers no target for you to strike at, It makes you consciously aware that you're words are hurting me, and I'm assuming it will make you feel sorry or guilty (assuming you do not have socipathic behavior) for what you have said.
Because If I offer no resistance to you're attack and instead use you're attack to educate you, then it's not backing down, or submitting to you, but rather it is empowering me with taking control and it is educating you as what not to do.

Before I end this post, I would like to inform you that I've tried to get in contact with GM's but without luck. This post was just another option to TRY to get in contact with a GM.
ps. You claim I always think I'm right? Please go more thoroughly into you're statement, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. How can you state this without knowing me?


Do idiots like this play Faldon now?

Well obviously they must be idiots if they are still playing the game.

- Very large vocabulary you have. *clap clap*, go back to bed Veega, thats the closest you'll ever come of being "normal".


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

1: I've been playing since last client and over those 8 years I have played faldon its never been for more than a few months at a time, and anyone who knew me since then can confirm that.
2: I only play now to watch this game die out completely
3: I have more IRL friends than I can count
4: I don't have to act tough over  the internet, in fact after seeing all you guys' pictures on ambers site I'm 200% sure that I'd whip the asses any of these fools.
5: About 1 and 2, i was going to actually mention these when I posted but I figured you might not go that route, but I guess I underestimated your lack of having anything against me
6: When I said take it out on the person who scammed you I meant that you should take it out in a whole lot more intelligent fashion than you did, but obviously you lack in that department.
7: Bullshit you told breeze you were a chick you little dicked shemale.
8: Any speculation over you getting anything back might as well not even be mentioned because let's face it, none of the GMs like you enough or could give a shit, don't know how many times I have to say this.
9: A long time since I've spoken with anyone? I have a family a job a house a nice car nice jewelery and tons of friends, and if you're going to speak on my family don't bother unless you're purchasing me and my family first class tickets to where ever your sorry ass lives. I'd be more than willing to take time out of work just to go to where ever you are and put on a show for my family. And hey even if you cannot afford to purchase them all tickets, then atleast just me will be fine; I have a camcorder.
10: about 9, you make sense don't you oh wise and perfect shemale, I did say that I have feelings for my friends and close family, your attempt at even trying to make sense is just making me laugh more and more
11: phreak is correct, psychology is a bunch of bullshit. I got friends and family who have been to psychiatrists and all the problems that they've ever been there for remained unresolved, nobody can tell whats going on in somebodies head unless that person tells them.
12: again, YOU YOU YOU YOU... are a fucking retard. You think that you have some sort of argument here when really you're just wasting your time as I've said I could give a fuck about what you think or feel, for all I care you could drop off of the face of the planet and I would hope that somebody had caught it on video for me to watch with a nice big bowl of popcorn. I am merely replying to all these messages in my spare time as I always have when people attempt to get into it with me, I get a kick out of this,
It somehow seems that everybody who plays faldon is either a muscle man (people saying they lift over 400 lbs and such, which I know people who are body builders and theyre pretty fuckin huge to be doing that) or a genius, when obviously if any of those things were true they would not be playing faldon, they'd be using their mcarthur genius grant or at a body building competition. and don't say I think I'm a muscle man because I never once said I can benchpress this and that, I just gave you a vague description of what would happen if you tried to speak your bullshit face to face.
But I guess you and I just grew up different



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Denmark, Copenhagen Slotsvej 56, Nørre Dalby.
I would love to pay for you're ticket for you to come to Denmark. Add me on MSN or private message me with you're paypal and I'll send you the money. Or if you know another way of setting this.  Futi_24@hotmail.com.
Talk to you IRL I guess.

ps. I have a spare room for you to sleep in over the night, if you find yourself to poor to rent one.

pss.. I dont know Breeze. I've never talked to him before ..


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:

Denmark, Copenhagen Slotsvej 56, Nørre Dalby.
I would love to pay for you're ticket for you to come to Denmark. Add me on MSN or private message me with you're paypal and I'll send you the money. Or if you know another way of setting this.  Futi_24@hotmail.com.
Talk to you IRL I guess.

ps. I have a spare room for you to sleep in over the night, if you find yourself to poor to rent one.

pss.. I dont know Breeze. I've never talked to him before ..

LOL too poor didnt you just read? I said I have a job a house and a nice car and nice jewelery
PS I have you on MSN already, if you find yourself too stupid to realise anything you ever say.

Oh and btw dont bs about the whole breeze situation because i've chatted with him already about the situation.
Also "you're" is a contraction for you are, its "your".

Last edited by JuZa (April 21st, 2008 1:27 PM)



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Judy wrote:
JuZa wrote:

LOL if i was attacking you; you wouldnt defend yourself whether it was online or in real life, thats why you say "ninjas" (i wont say what you say) jumped you and so on and so forth, this is far from an attack but better yet an attempt for you to realise that nothing will ever be done about what happened to you.
And the fact that you always think you're right comes from damn near everything you type. You think that what you did sending those messages was right because of the person who tried to scam you, when inreality, get over it, use your head or get scammed, it has always been that way and I can confirm so because I've seen it happening since last client; anyway back to the story; your ignorant racist remarks about black people are an assumption of an entire race therefore you assume all these stereotypical things are true to only black people when every race has people that behave like "niggers" and by niggers I don't mean black.
And as far as educating me, there is nothing you can do to educate me, if I even wanted further education I would have accepted the free scholarship to any school in massachusetts I got from my high school grades. Say what you want about my decision, it does not matter to me.
And as far as your feelings, I could give a damn. All I care about is my close friends and family, "online" buddies and such are disposable because most people online only want to be your friend for something in particular, but I guess you would know about that eh?
Say what you will but remember there is a difference between opinion and fact, and the fact of the matter is, you got GM robbed in faldon for something that you shouldn't have done. If you got scammed; you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you.

- If u were attacking me, I wouldn't defend myself online nor IRL? What a sad attempt on trying to act tought on the internet. Succesfully failed, congratz.
- Yes, there is positivily a chance for nothing will be done, but so far there is being discussed whether to give or not to give back my religion spells, which is a progress itself. So once again, please do not speak loudly about facts you do not know about.
- About me thinking I'm right... You argueed that pretty bad.. Come on, I know you can do better, are you even trying?
- The only mistake I did was getting caught, and you being able to confirm you're state on the remark that you've been playing since last client, shows a fact of you're life.
- About me being racist? What is this about? I hope you have some serious proof before accusing anyone for being a racist. I can assure you, I am not a racist.
- As far as the education goes, it was merely an attempt to teach you about feelings among living people. I can guess, it's been along time since you last spoke to anyone, am I right? Yes.
- Most freinds only want to be you're freind to get something in particular, indeed they do. Why do you think I never told people what I had? Everyone wants to be you're "freind" once they know you got multiple skullblade or multiple mrobes, or 4.5mil GP etc.
So yes I do know about this. As far for you're undertoned message, I have not used "freindships" that way. Please deepen you're statement.
- "you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you" Lol *clap clap* What do you think I got GM robbed/skill reset/spell reset for? If you're not going to try, I'm not going to bother argueing with you.

JuZa wrote:

P.S. You, you, you, YOU, you , you, you, you
immature right? you bet and I'm laughing right now as I'm typing.

- Yes very. Point proven. Thank you.

GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:

Yeah, sitting there pretending you know what people are thinking is HARD

- Eh? Back to nursery?

Veega wrote:
Judy wrote:

No I dont, Not yet atleast. Actually now that you're showing curiousity I can tell you that im expecting to get my psychology degree in about 11 months, so that's good news for me.
The class itself is very difficult, theres alot the teacher expects from you, also makes it alittle more difficult when 15 different teachers expects you to give yourself 100% on their class.. That's abit harsh in the end.
Anyway in the future try to control you're anger, It's really easy to tell that you're getting angry because you're starting to throw out "YOU" statements all over the place. "YOU" statements are very accusatory in nature. "YOU are..blah blah.." "You did..blah blah.." "You said..blah blah.." It signals to the other person that a criticism is coming their way and they get on the defensive, just like if someone bladed their stance and put up their fists for a fight. If you're one the kind that can't see mistakes done by yourself, feel free to search the forum, there are a lot of angry "YOU" statements being tossed around.
Anyway, I'm not going to fight you back, I'll educate you instead.

Why are attacking me like this without any reason? It's unnecessary and hurtful.

Myself, I've found it to work better if I tell you how you're words makes me feel. The theory behind this is that it offers no target for you to strike at, It makes you consciously aware that you're words are hurting me, and I'm assuming it will make you feel sorry or guilty (assuming you do not have socipathic behavior) for what you have said.
Because If I offer no resistance to you're attack and instead use you're attack to educate you, then it's not backing down, or submitting to you, but rather it is empowering me with taking control and it is educating you as what not to do.

Before I end this post, I would like to inform you that I've tried to get in contact with GM's but without luck. This post was just another option to TRY to get in contact with a GM.
ps. You claim I always think I'm right? Please go more thoroughly into you're statement, I'm not quite sure what you mean by this. How can you state this without knowing me?


Do idiots like this play Faldon now?

Well obviously they must be idiots if they are still playing the game.

- Very large vocabulary you have. *clap clap*, go back to bed Veega, thats the closest you'll ever come of being "normal".


Fake Nick, do you let this persist on the forum?

Since when were the Illusory forums for Faldon anyways?

Fireborn I need a sexing.

Destroyer of Worlds


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

if youre talking about judy playing faldon "now" then yea hes more recent.
if youre talking about me playing faldon now, as I said i've played faldon for quite some time now, prolly will always stop in here and then as long as there is a faldon.
although I saw this client coming to a screetching hault as soon as they started GM'ing people who have no experience in games outside of faldon
you played faldon you should know we never shut the fuck up tongue all faldon basically is, is a chat client with graphics and some pvm action, no more pvp action though. all the newbs think using arhack and wclaws and summoning the max amount of wolves qualifies them as PK of the year. lol



Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Veega wrote:
Judy wrote:
JuZa wrote:

LOL if i was attacking you; you wouldnt defend yourself whether it was online or in real life, thats why you say "ninjas" (i wont say what you say) jumped you and so on and so forth, this is far from an attack but better yet an attempt for you to realise that nothing will ever be done about what happened to you.
And the fact that you always think you're right comes from damn near everything you type. You think that what you did sending those messages was right because of the person who tried to scam you, when inreality, get over it, use your head or get scammed, it has always been that way and I can confirm so because I've seen it happening since last client; anyway back to the story; your ignorant racist remarks about black people are an assumption of an entire race therefore you assume all these stereotypical things are true to only black people when every race has people that behave like "niggers" and by niggers I don't mean black.
And as far as educating me, there is nothing you can do to educate me, if I even wanted further education I would have accepted the free scholarship to any school in massachusetts I got from my high school grades. Say what you want about my decision, it does not matter to me.
And as far as your feelings, I could give a damn. All I care about is my close friends and family, "online" buddies and such are disposable because most people online only want to be your friend for something in particular, but I guess you would know about that eh?
Say what you will but remember there is a difference between opinion and fact, and the fact of the matter is, you got GM robbed in faldon for something that you shouldn't have done. If you got scammed; you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you.

- If u were attacking me, I wouldn't defend myself online nor IRL? What a sad attempt on trying to act tought on the internet. Succesfully failed, congratz.
- Yes, there is positivily a chance for nothing will be done, but so far there is being discussed whether to give or not to give back my religion spells, which is a progress itself. So once again, please do not speak loudly about facts you do not know about.
- About me thinking I'm right... You argueed that pretty bad.. Come on, I know you can do better, are you even trying?
- The only mistake I did was getting caught, and you being able to confirm you're state on the remark that you've been playing since last client, shows a fact of you're life.
- About me being racist? What is this about? I hope you have some serious proof before accusing anyone for being a racist. I can assure you, I am not a racist.
- As far as the education goes, it was merely an attempt to teach you about feelings among living people. I can guess, it's been along time since you last spoke to anyone, am I right? Yes.
- Most freinds only want to be you're freind to get something in particular, indeed they do. Why do you think I never told people what I had? Everyone wants to be you're "freind" once they know you got multiple skullblade or multiple mrobes, or 4.5mil GP etc.
So yes I do know about this. As far for you're undertoned message, I have not used "freindships" that way. Please deepen you're statement.
- "you should have just took it out on the person who scammed you" Lol *clap clap* What do you think I got GM robbed/skill reset/spell reset for? If you're not going to try, I'm not going to bother argueing with you.

JuZa wrote:

P.S. You, you, you, YOU, you , you, you, you
immature right? you bet and I'm laughing right now as I'm typing.

- Yes very. Point proven. Thank you.

GuEsT_Fr33K wrote:

Yeah, sitting there pretending you know what people are thinking is HARD

- Eh? Back to nursery?

Veega wrote:


Do idiots like this play Faldon now?

Well obviously they must be idiots if they are still playing the game.

- Very large vocabulary you have. *clap clap*, go back to bed Veega, thats the closest you'll ever come of being "normal".


Fake Nick, do you let this persist on the forum?

Since when were the Illusory forums for Faldon anyways?

Fireborn I need a sexing.

Did you just call me fake Nick?

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.


Destroyer of Worlds


Re: Jugded! Take to re-considering? A GM note.

Except, you're Nick #2 since I'm older/better/cooler/great.

Modern cyberspace is a deadly festering swamp, teeming with dangerous programs such as''licensed Microsoft software'' that can take over your computer and render it useless.