Topic: New century, lets resume

happy new year everyone

so we entered a new year with lots of changes on faldon, so id like to know who u guys think has been the best Mod or GM in 2009 and give a reason why. they all work hard to improve to game and never gets a dime for it, so lets give em the recognition they deserve
(this topic is about the best mod or gm not the worst so keep ur hate to urself tongue)

the M/gm with most positive feedback will be rewarded with an unpriceable but rather useless reward big_smile


Re: New century, lets resume

I vote Tareim!

Or Zer for his uber fast responses, great job on keeping us satisfied!  big_smile

Last edited by Mister Rob (January 4th, 2010 11:12 AM)

Evil Devil - Prometherion


Re: New century, lets resume

I vote, me. For being the best King.

Member of SlutsOfFire! Heil ein Fuhrer Rob!


Re: New century, lets resume

Well Mr. Spy has always been quite helpful with my assorted Chars and always honest as well, no BS from him. I also like the fact that he logs on at least once a day. Mr Spy You are alright in my books!
I await the slings and arrows.

I do not look  to closely at the past, for the future is where I plan to spend the rest of my life.


Re: New century, lets resume

Server down?

If practice makes perfect, and no ones perfect, why practice?

Lvl: 526 Skill total:34xx