^^ suprised u didnt say cancer lol
btw IMHO nigger is not a racist word as i wouldnt say all black ppl are niggers to me a nigger is a black person that is a gansta or a wannabe gansta as is most often the case
you should be lined up and shot, semen for brains
stfu kanker moeder
see i have brains im multi-lingual
attention you limp-wristed, panty-waisted, pillow-biting, fudge-packing, petticoat rockin', booger-eating, crusty-eyed, ashy elbowed, extra-chromosome having, double-dipping, Slim Shady gear wearing, haircut courtesy of mommy getting, stag prom-going, half of high school stuffed in a locker spending, teddy bear practice kissing, tin My Little Pony Lunch Box until 5th grade carrying, Sears Catlogue addressed to sister masturbating to, used hand towels on layaway purchasing, prescription eyedrop abusing, faggot bitch:
Nobody thinks you are clever or relevant, and everybody agrees that you are finished following this post. Let the LOLs ensue, time to reregister. Your paltry response will only make this more painful. Dickweed.