Topic: Where can I get a completely Nude Massge?

I am very comfortable being nude and would love to get a completely nude massage, even with out the drape that is usually used to cover you up. Does anyone know where i could find a spa/ massage parlor that would be willing to do this type of massage in California, Preferably the Bay area? Thanks for your help!

Spam links.


Re: Where can I get a completely Nude Massge?

This seems like the kind of spam Fireborn would be very interested in.


Re: Where can I get a completely Nude Massge?

Ask for Linda, you wont regret it


Re: Where can I get a completely Nude Massge?

It got my attention... It also got something elses attention as well... Can you guess what it is?

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


Re: Where can I get a completely Nude Massge?

I bet it's your penis.

Associate Production Coordinating Directorial Associate Managing Departmental Divisional Supervisor of The International Network Amalgamation Distributor's Corporation Management Organizational Association of Men Who Like Pussy.


Re: Where can I get a completely Nude Massge?

You would be correct sir

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.