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Well these SS's could easily be altered since they aren't in their original form =p

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


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everyone says that. honestly who's gonna take the time to edit this shit when u can just hang around,  piss someone off and watch em spam racist shit in the main chat, or in your T's if the m's or gm's are around,, or they use hax to find you in the game and begin typing the same shit in S chat.
      everyone knows it goes on, yet they'll claim you edit sshots if you post something like this. if they think theyre man enough to type this garbage, then why not man-up to it when it gets posted, or when they get confronted with it. the people that type like this usually claim ignorance like the pussies they are when they get confronted about it. the lack of presence of m's gm's and now chat mods, (since the game is dying again) is hilarious. im not sure why anyone plays this game anymore. the owner gives a fuck less about it. the only gm who's around is spy, who could give a shit less most of the time ( i dont blame him, why should he care if the owner doesn't). 
      u brazillians should go ahead and quit,, then there would be maybe 3 people on per day.
let the game die.. go live your life.
      there wont be any serious consequences for people who violate chat rules, and most likely there wont be any punishment at all.
      zer doesnt care, why should anyone else?
      if anyone owns this game. it's the people who constantly cause problems. lack of punishment for rule violation just makes the game shitty for anyone trying to enjoy the game (as crappy as it is), why would anyone wanna subject themselves to bullshit like this just to watch some crappy lookin pixels move about on a pc monitor'
...nuff said....


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First and foremost, I am shocked about these new allegations against FP's CEO.  Furthermore, FP denies making any comments that would be deemed socially unacceptable in Faldon.  Ignite released an official statement yesterday saying: "Its a shame that you cant even log on a game for two minutes to see whats going on without someone causing trouble for you, these SS's must have been altered or added in some way."

"Defending F.P. members and all associated allies since 2001."


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Stop being assholes, you know very well that this is true, I just learn to put photos on the forum know how to do that I see with the photos?
Ignite just because you're an adult does not mean that you have no reason, I am a Brazilian teenager and I never lied.
And if I were you do not talk this shit over because I see the chat out of ALL SS.


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fp's official publicist resembles 1 of the pussies i was describing in my earlier post. talk shit,, then deny, deny, deny.


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Slayer1 wrote:

everyone says that. honestly who's gonna take the time to edit this shit when u can just hang around,  piss someone off and watch em spam racist shit in the main chat, or in your T's if the m's or gm's are around,, or they use hax to find you in the game and begin typing the same shit in S chat.
      everyone knows it goes on, yet they'll claim you edit sshots if you post something like this. if they think theyre man enough to type this garbage, then why not man-up to it when it gets posted, or when they get confronted with it. the people that type like this usually claim ignorance like the pussies they are when they get confronted about it. the lack of presence of m's gm's and now chat mods, (since the game is dying again) is hilarious. im not sure why anyone plays this game anymore. the owner gives a fuck less about it. the only gm who's around is spy, who could give a shit less most of the time ( i dont blame him, why should he care if the owner doesn't). 
      u brazillians should go ahead and quit,, then there would be maybe 3 people on per day.
let the game die.. go live your life.
      there wont be any serious consequences for people who violate chat rules, and most likely there wont be any punishment at all.
      zer doesnt care, why should anyone else?
      if anyone owns this game. it's the people who constantly cause problems. lack of punishment for rule violation just makes the game shitty for anyone trying to enjoy the game (as crappy as it is), why would anyone wanna subject themselves to bullshit like this just to watch some crappy lookin pixels move about on a pc monitor'
...nuff said....

I think this post was altered in some way... If not it should be... Not only does it bore me, but it is way to long!

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


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Yea, well Muffhucker, at FP, we are truly sorry you feel the way you do.  With that said, our CEO has released a statement regarding your latest baby rant, our CEO had this to say: "Muffhucker said that?  Ofcourse he would say that.  He fails to realize he is in fact what he described.  Muff has drawn unemployment for approximately half of his life and has learned no life lessons nor does he have a clue on life.  For him to try and insult a successful person makes sense because he doesnt possess the knowledge to advance himself in his own existence."

"Defending F.P. members and all associated allies since 2001."


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FP's Official Publicist isn't very good at his job if he's speaking in hyperbole.  Or maybe he just failed to run his statement through FP's Official Intern in Charge of Fact Checking first.


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i do apologize for the lengthly posting heheh
hyperbole,lol, is what fp's official pitcher/catcher is best at doing. again, (like countless many times before)he feels threatened by those who speak the truth about his/fp's ways of handling themselves, so he resorts to trying to attack someone's personal life(that which he truly has no idea about), just to try to make himself look better (maybe?), or to take the focus off of him/them. it's pathetic really ( i feel a bit sorry for him) he tries to speak like a politician, (everyone knows they're full of shit/hot air anyway) and it simply makes him even more pathetic.


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oops wasnt quite done with that,, so ill continue

if i were trying to insult you/fp, i wouldve said something like:
so i hear the pentagon lifted the ban on gays openly serving in the military. looks like he and a few other fp members have the opportunity to be ALL THEY CAN BE,, IN THE ARMY


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Crying wont help your kiddie comments.  Mumblee no one even pays attention to you for a few reasons, one youre never on, and two when you played no one liked you.  You might want to consider this your time to retire back to your lazy boy like slayer1 and draw unemployment.  That is all.

"Defending F.P. members and all associated allies since 2001."


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Ignite, the life of the Muff Hucker has to do with my topic? Do not talk shit idiot.


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Assio, I am not Ignite, I am FP's Official Publicist.  If you would like to relay that message to him, I would be more than happy to do so.  Have a good day in the land of Brazil.  That is all.

"Defending F.P. members and all associated allies since 2001."


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Assio is ur father , PIGNIVE , all know that u is pignive then SHUT UP noob


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According to tosh if you put an 'a' at the end of any racial slur, it is ok... Just sayin'...

I don't question my sexuality, my sexuality questions me.
Self Gratification is God's greatest gift to man.


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Assio, what do you mean to prove with posting edited SS's?

"Defending F.P. members and all associated allies since 2001."


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OMFG these br are out to get me why are u noobs editing chat to make it look like im saying those things ffs! get a life.