Meanstreak wrote:Angeldust wrote:BiGGztheKING wrote:Pat, and I was the original | K I N G | still own him just don't play much, how you been man 
Yah, buddy! What's with the, "Angel dust you don't remember me but". Every time I came back to Faldon I've remembered you haha. Good to see you! Been good, just working as a server engineer / virtualization engineer, so I get bored on the computer all day and end up dropping in on the forums to troll and cause shit. It's always a laugh and good distraction here, bunch of crazies and some more intelligent people to banter and shit talk with lol.
You been playing at all, or have you stepped a way for a while as well? I keep checking back to see when we will get a chance to play on a new server/client, or a freshly wiped server. It would be awesome to get everyone together again... but I doubt it will be anytime soon.
That has to be the first ever post you've made where you're not a complete tit. Well done, I knew you had it in you.
Well... no, not really, but anyway, well done. 
I am selectively a "tit". I get bored at work, like I said, my career is working on the computer so I drop in on the forums for some intelligent banter, and comical fun. Most people with a brain realized exactly what I've been doing, and joined in on the fun and competitive shit talking. Even mumblebee saw it for what it was, and we had a game of repetitive forum posts and moving of my posts, until I had a "well played" move and double quoted the person that I was referring to, making the move of the post irrelevant.
Either way, Pat and I go way back and you'll notice his comment, "lol this is what I miss most about Faldon the competitive shit talking". It's fun trolling people, and watching some people get aggravated and annoyed instead of either ignoring the person, turning it around, continuing the banter, ect.
Either way, it is what it is, relax a bit and try to outwit someone, you might get lucky one day