Topic: 2023/12/1 Update

December 1, 2023:
Made it so corpses don't get in the way of targeting.
Made it much easier to target small monsters and objects.
Made logging off to change characters smoother and faster.
Made it so the Ctrl key will still attack even if pressed while walking toward a monster.
- Thanks to Pennywise for reporting this issue!
Made the volume control nonlinear, because human perception of sound is nonlinear.
Animated changes to the HP, MP, EP, and experience bars.
Added a fade-in effect at startup, and a fade-out effect at exit.
Added a mild bob effect when a player is standing in water.
Effects now sink with a player in the water, and rise with a flying creature in the air.
Fixed death sounds playing every time a corpse came on screen.
- Thanks to Pennywise for reporting this bug!
Fixed Raise Dead not showing a message when there is nothing dead around to raise.
Fixed some chests continually animating instead of opening and closing.
Fixed music starting abruptly when the game starts up. It now fades in properly.
You can no longer walk around after you are dead. The server ignored the motion, but the client still let you do it.