Topic: %dmg weapons

is % dmg supposed to work with all weapons?

i want to use it with bows but the only unique bow is bow of lightning and nobody has one and really hard to get and camp cuz the centaurs eat my nuts every time i even try get close. i think they can smell my foreskin even from all the way in val so im not sure what i can do to get one

thank u


Re: %dmg weapons

It's supposed to work on all weapons. If it doesn't work on a particular weapon, it is a bug.


Re: %dmg weapons

from my testing, %dmg currently only works with weapons that are unique or lost artifacts

for example when i have +85%dmg items and equip my snow partizen (unique wep), i can hit above the theoretical dmg values in the character stat windows (and matches with the +85%dmg), but when i have +85%dmg items and equip a regular bastard sword, i cannot hit above the theoretical dmg numbers in the character stat window

i'm pretty sure that regular weapons (aka not unique or lost artifacts) don't get the extra damage from +%dmg items, like the titan claymore (that has inherent +5% or somethin fire damage - doesn't even get +%dmg from what i remember since it isn't unique or lost artifact)

would be nice to have +dmg for all weapons big_smile


Re: %dmg weapons

I have found at least a part of this bug, the part that affects Titan Claymore.
It will be fixed in this week's patch. Thanks for reporting it!

What item gives you +85% damage?


Re: %dmg weapons

i have a daemonic mage robe of electricity (gives +30% dmg), dragon wizard hat (+20%), and dragon ring (+20%) and ring of electricity (+15%)


Re: %dmg weapons

It doesn't and never did work with bows, and only works with certain melee weapons as well.

Best Player Alive.


Re: %dmg weapons

Good night.

I have a Claymore +132% holy dmg and it doesn't work.

I also have a Gada +1%fire that doesn't work.

I understand that if these pref/suf exist for these weapons they should work...


Re: %dmg weapons

Today's patch fixes some bonuses for non-unique items, such as titan claymore's fire damage.
It doesn't make prefix/suffix effects that don't apply to an item stack. That's a significant gameplay change I'll have to ponder more...